
Ji, Hong-Chang Receives POSCO Science Fellowship 2019

The POSCO TJ Park Foundation, a non-profit organization established by a South Korean steelmaking company to foster science, education, philanthropy, and technology, announced 32 POSCO Science Fellows 2019 on October 25, 2018. Ji, Hong-Chang, a Ph.D. student, has been chosen […]

Opening of Choi Seok-jeong Seminar Room

A new “Choi Seok-jeong Seminar Room” is open at the room 1401 of the E6-1 building. Choi Seok-jung Seminar Room is established to honor the scientific spirit of Choi Seok-jung (1646-1715), a top government official and a mathematician of the […]

The Graduate Student Day in Fall 2018

On August 31, the ‘Graduate Student Day’ event was held. A total of 55 attendees, consisting of graduate students, professors, postdoctoral researchers, and staff members, visited the Gongju Gyeryongsan Pottery Village and Gapsa temple. After lunch, our new professor, Prof. […]

Welcoming New Faculty: Donghwan Kim

  Donghwan Kim joined the Department of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST, as an assistant professor as of August 16, 2018. He received Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in 2014. He is interested in Continuous Optimization, Convex Optimization, and Applications of […]