
공지 시작  
공지 종료  

각 과정 자퇴 및 제적 학생 중 2016학년도 봄학기 재입학 지원자는 아래 절차를 참조하여 신청하시기 바랍니다.


                                                = 아      래 =

가. 재입학 대상 : 학사 및 석,박사과정 학생 중 자퇴, 제적자

나. 재입학원 제출기한 :

o 학생 제출기간 : 2015. 12. 15(화)까지 학과/전공 사무실에 제출

o 학과/전공 심사기간 : 2015. 12. 16(수) - 12. 22(화)

o 학과/전공 심사결과 학적팀 제출 : 2015. 12. 29(화)까지

다. 재입학 신청 자격

o 자퇴 또는 제적일로부터 3년이 경과되지 않은 자.

o 아래에 해당되는 자는 재입학을 신청할 수 없음.

- 재학년한 만료에 의하여 제적된 자(2008년 입학생까지)

- 재학년한 만료에 의하여 제적된 자 또는 재학년한을 연장한 후에 제적

또는 자퇴자 (2009년 입학생 이후)

※ 재입학 지원가능기간(3년 이내)내에는 군복무기간 및 장기간 요양을 필요로

하는 질병치료기간은 산입하지 않음.(관련 증빙자료 첨부필요)

o 재입학은 자퇴 또는 제적일이 속하는 학기를 포함하여 2학기가 경과하여야함.

라. 기타

    - 붙임 참조


1. Reference

   a) Article 55 of Academic Regulations (Readmission)

   b) Article 5-2 of Guidelines on Admission and Course Enrollment (Readmission Procedure)

2. Refer to the instructions below on application for readmission in Spring 2016 for dropouts and expelled students.

3. Readmission documents must be evaluated by the department/division and submitted to the Office of Academic Affairs (Academic Registrar's Team) by Tuesday, December 29, 2015.

                                                                                                            - Details -

A. Eligibility: Dropouts and expelled students on Undergraduate or Graduate programs

B. Deadlines:

<?xml:namespace prefix = o />

- Submission by students: Submit to the department/division office by

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

- Evaluation by Departments/Divisions: Wednesday, December 16 ~ Tuesday,

December 22, 2015

- Submission of Departments/Divisions evaluation result to Academic

Registrar's Team: Tuesday, December 29, 2015

C. Conditions for Readmission

o No more than 3 years from the date of dropout or expulsion.

o Students who belong to the following categories are not eligible for


- Students expelled due to expiration of the prescribed period limit.

(For those who entered KAIST in 2008 or before)

- Students expelled due to expiration of the prescribed period limit or

students dropped out of school/expelled after getting study period

extended. (For students who entered KAIST in 2009 or afterwards)

Time spent for military service or long-term treatment of illness shall

not be calculated in the precribed period limit for readmission.

(requested to attach supporting documents for proof)

- Readmission is possible after 2 semesters including the semester in

which dropping out or expulsion occurred.


D. Others: refer to the attached files.


In the event of misinterpretation arising from cultural differences, the original text in Korean shall take precedence over the English translation.

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1026 2018 봄 미적분학1 학부생 조교 모집 공고 file 과사무실 2018.02.26 5753
1025 2018년 봄학기 조교명단 file 과사무실 2018.02.22 4434
1024 2018 Spring - KAIST 수리과학과 Colloquium file 과사무실 2018.02.21 6084
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