취업 및 행사 정보

8th Asian Conference on Quantum Information Science

상일 2008.08.20 22:57 조회 수 : 7979 추천:132

공지 시작  
공지 종료  
KIAS에서 2008년 8월 25일부터 일주일간 양자정보이론에 관한 학회가 있습니다.


AQIS'08                 8th Asian Conference on Quantum Information Science

August 25-31, 2008

Tutorial: August 25-26,  
Main conference:  August 27-30,
Special Programs: August 31

The AQIS’08 meeting will focus on recent advances  in  quantum information science and technology. This  is an interdisciplinary field that bridges quantum  physics, computer science, mathematics, and  computing technologies. AQIS’08 will be the natural  successor of the meetings EQIS’01-EQIS’05 and AQIS’  06-AQIS’07. AQIS’08, by tradition, will consist of  invited talks, selected oral presentations and posters,  and other activities. Contributions for short  communications and posters are solicited in the  research areas that relate to quantum information  science and technology, both theory and  experiments. This includes, but is not limited to:
Quantum algorithms and complexity theory
Quantum cryptography
Quantum information theory
Quantum entanglement, non-locality
Quantum error correction, decoherence
Quantum optics, NMR, and solid-state technologies
Quantum processors and computers design schemes
Conference will be preceded by tutorials by leading  experts and followed by focused workshops and  excursions. AQIS'08 will have preproceedings and  selected papers will be published in special issues of  international journals. AQIS'08 will be a fully open  conference where anyone can make submissions for  oral presentation or/and posters, as well as to  suggest an accompanying workshop or tutorial.