
수리과학과 KMRS 석좌교수(Bernd Sturmfels) 특별강연

우리 학과 KMRS 석좌교수이신 Bernd Sturmfels 교수님(UC Berkeley)의 특별강연이 아래와 같은 일정으로 열릴 예정이오니 많은 참여 바랍니다. ▶ Title: Introduction to Non-Linear Algebra ▶ Date: May 15 ~ July 3 ▶ Speaker: Bernd Sturmfels (UC Berkeley) ▶ Place: KAIST E6, Room 1409 ▶ Time: Thur. & Fri., 10:00-12:00(Exercise session: 15:00-17:00) ▶ Description: Many models in the sciences and engineering can be described by non-linear polynomial equations. This course offers an introduction to both theoretical and computational methods for working with such models. It is aimed at graduate students from across the mathematical sciences (Mathematics, EECS, Statistics, Physics, etc). ▶ Syllabus: Each week of the semester is about a different topic in non-linear algebra, according to the schedule below. Auditors interested in a particular topic are welcome to attend just that week. Enrolled students will attend all weeks. – Gröbner Basics, Elimination, Decomposing Varieties, Sparse Polynomial Systems, Semidefinite Programming, Moments and Sums of Squares,Representations and Invariants, Tensors and their Rank, Orbitopes, […]