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Organizing Committee
Prof. Wanmo Kang (KAIST) Prof. Kyoung-Kuk Kim (KAIST) Prof. In-Suk Wee (Korea University) Prof. Bara Kim (Korea University) Dr. Taeyoung Ha (NIMS) Dr. Myoungnyoun Kim (NIMS)Schedule
Andreas Holmsen, Younjin Kim, and Sang-il Oum
Basic information
The 12th annual Korea-Japan Workshop on Algebra and Combinatorics will be held at KAIST, Daejeon, South Korea from January 23--25, 2014. This is an annual workshop, held alternately in Japan and Korea. The goal is for researchers of both countries to exchange information of ongoing studies in the area.
Place: Building E6-1, Room 1501, KAIST.
Date : January 23-25, 2014.
Organizing committee
Eiichi Bannai(Sanghai Jiatong University) Jung Rae Cho(Pusan National University) Mitsugu Hirasaka(Pusan National Univ.) Tatsuro Ito (Kanazawa University) Hyun Kwang Kim (POSTECH) Jack Koolen (USTC) Yoshihiro Mizoguchi (Kyushu University) Akihiro Munemasa (Tohoku University)Local organizers
Andreas Holmsen (KAIST) Younjin Kim (KAIST) Sang-il Oum (KAIST)