Conferences & Workshops

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최준호 KAIST, 이재용 KIAS, 설윤창 KAIST
In this three-day workshop (22nd to 24th), 13 speakers will present their recent research results in the fields of Machine Learning, Partial Differential Equations (PDEs), and Applied Mathematics. (Location) 산업경영학동(E2-1) 세미나실 (1225) (Contact) 설윤창 010-8785-5872 (Invited Speakers) 김현주 KENTECH, 박예찬 KIAS, 박혁주 KAIST, 신효민 POSTECH, 심윤수 KAIST, 윤성하 EWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY, 이완호 NIMS, 이재용 KIAS, 조남경 POSTECH, 조성웅 KAIST, 조준홍 INHA UNIVERSITY, 최재무 SEOUL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, 최재웅 KIAS
2024-01-08 08:15:33


Organizers: Soonsik Kwon (KAIST), Jihoon Lee(Chung-Ang Univ.) Co-Organizer : SAARC

The 10th Korea PDE Winter School
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The 10th Korea PDE Winter School will be held as follows.
Date: 2024. 02. 19. (Mon.)~ 2024. 02. 23. (Fri.)
Place: KAIST, E6-1, Rm 1501, Daejeon, Korea
Topics: Mathematical Theories of Elliptic/Hyperbolic PDEs
Organizers: Soonsik Kwon (KAIST), Jihoon Lee(Chung-Ang Univ.)
Co-Organizer : SAARC
Registration Period: Dec. 5th, 2023 ~ Jan. 10th, 2024

Principal lecturers and lecture topics
Qing Han (University of Notre DAME, USA) will give 5 lectures on "Regularity theory for uniformly degenerate elliptic equations".
Lecture 1: Introduction and existence of solutions
Lecture 2: Regularity along tangential directions
Lecture 3: Regularity along normal direction
Lecture 4: Expansions near the boundary
Lecture 5: Concise boundary regularity

Bongsuk Kwon (UNIST) and Moon-jin Kang (KAIST) will give 4 lectures on "Formation and stability of singularities arising in compressible fluid flow ".

Invited Speakers
Junsik Bae (UNIST)
Young-Pil Choi (Yonsei University)
In-Jee Jeong (Seoul National University)
Jeongho Kim (Kyunghee University)
Jehan Oh (Kyungpook National University)
Jihoon Ok (Sogang University)
Jinmyeong Seok (Seoul National University)

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2023-12-11 15:26:34