Conferences & Workshops

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KAIST 수리과학과, 포항공과대학교

2011 한국신진수학도 워크샵(2011 Summer Workshop for Young Mathematicians in Korea) 홈페이지가 아래와 같이 개설되었으니 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.


-명칭 : 2011 한국신진수학도 워크샵(2011 Summer Workshop for Young Mathematicians in Korea)


-기간 : 2011년 8월 3일 - 5일


-장소 : KAIST


-웹사이트 주소:
2011-07-29 11:00:50

The 9th KAIST Geometric Topology Fair will focus on the topics from geometric group theory. Aimed at graduate students and early career researchers, the lecture series and talks will survey foundation and recent developments in geometric group theory.

Lecture series will be given by Danny Calegari(Caltech), Jason F. Manning(SUNY Buffalo), Mark V. Sapir(Vanderbilt), and Efim Zelmanov(UC San Diego).
2011-05-02 11:11:16

Date: August 16-19, 2011

Place: Dongguk University, Gyeongju, Korea

Invited speakers

Bruno Angles (Univ. Caen, France)
Dinesh Thakur (Univ. Arizona, USA)
Ernst Urlich Gekeler (Saarlandes Univ., Germany)
Fu-Tsun Wei (National Tsinghua U., Taiwan)
Jing Yu (National Taiwan Univ. Taiwan)
Qin Yue (Nanjing Univ. Aeronautics and Astronautics, China)
Yuichiro Taguchi (Kyushu Univ., Japan)
Andreas Bender (Postech, Korea)
Changheon Kim(Hanyang U., ASARC, Korea)
Daeyeol Jeon (Kongju U., Korea)
Hwanyup Jung (Chungbuk National U. Korea)
Jaehyun Ahn (Chungnam National U., Korea)
Junho Lee (Seoul National U., Korea)
Minsoo Kim (ASARC, Korea)
Sangtae Jung (Inha U., Korea)
Soon-Yi Kang (ASARC, Korea)
Soyoung Choi (Dongguk U., Korea)
Su Hu (ASARC, Korea)
Yoonjin Lee (Eewha U. Korea)


Sunghan Bae (KAIST-ASARC, Korea)
Hwanyup Jung (Chungbuk National U., Korea)
Soyoung Choi (Dongguk U., Korea)
Jaehyun Ahn (Chungnam National U., Korea)

Sponsored by
ASARC, NRF of Korea and Dongguk University



2011-04-14 13:40:21
안녕하십니까? 위상수학 분과위원장을 맡고있는 서울대학교 수리과학부의 박종일입니다. 예년에 비해 유별나게 길고 폭우도 많았던 올 장마도 거의 막바지에 다다른것 같습니다. 모두들 별일 없었기를 바랍니다. 다름이 아니라 올해 위상수학 워크숍을 다음과 같이 개최할 예정이니 많은 분들이 참석해 주시고 학생들에게도 참여를 독려해 주시면 감사하겠습니다.
학회명: 제4회 위상수학 워크 
장소: 전북대학교 수학과
일시: 8월 22일(월)~24일(수)
주관교수: 한상언(전북대), 박종일(서울대)
현재까지 임선희 교수(서울대)-2회, 김상현 교수(KAIST)-2회, 및 중국인 수학자 1명, 등이 강연을 해 주기로 하였으며, 강의를 해 주실 연사들이 더 필요합니다. 강의는 대학원생들을 위한 기초적인 강의를 해 주시면 되고 시간은 50분입니다. 강의를 해 주실 분들이나 추천해 주실 분이 있으면 저(\">)에게 연락주시기 바랍니다.
등록비는 없고 학생들의 숙식이 제공됩니다. 교수님들도 오시면 숙소가 마련되어 있습니다. 미리 한상언교수(\">)나 저(\">)에게 참석 여부를 알려 주시면 준비하는 데 도움이 되겠습니다.
아시는 바와 같이 이 위상수학 워크숍은 국내 위상수학자들의 교류의 장으로, 그리고 신진 수학자들의 소개의 자리로 마련된 것입니다. 이 워크숍에서 발표되는 내용들은 주로 survey 위주로 이루어져 있고, 대학원생들을 대상으로 하고 있습니다. 교수님들과 학생들의 많은 참여와 협조를 부탁 드립니다. 이 행사가 매년 잘 지속되어 원래의 목적대로 잘 운영되기를 바랍니다.
2011-07-18 11:13:56


SiJong Kwak

◈ Invited Speakers

L. Hoa (VIASM ): On the reduction number & related topics

Fred Rohrer (Hanoi Institute of Mathematics) : Toric variety and Cox ring

N. Trung (Hanoi Institute of Mathematics): Asymptotic stability of regularity of powers of ideals

T. N. Trung (Hanoi Institute of Mathematics): Partial regularities of sums and intersections of powers of monomial ideals

Seonja Kim (Chungwoon Univ.): Remarks on secant spaces of nonspecial line bundles on curves

Wanseok Lee (KIAS): On Non-normal del Pezzo varieties

Hwanchul Yoo (KIAS): Bruhat order, Schubert varieties and hyperplane arrangements





◈ Timetable


Time  \\  Date 

Sep 30


Oct 1





Hwanchul Yoo



T. N. Trung





Fred Rohrer

Wanseok Lee


Seonja Kim

N. Trung


L. Hoa






◈ Speakers & Schedule :


September 30 (Friday)

14:00-14:50       Fred Rohrer (Hanoi Institute of Mathematics):

                           Toric variety and Cox ring


14:50-15:00       Coffee Break


15:00-15:50       Seonja Kim (Chungwoon Univ.)

Remarks on secant spaces of nonspecial line bundles on curves


15:50-16:00      Coffee Break


16:00-16:50       L. Hoa (VIASM )

                                   On the reduction number & related topics


October 1 (Saturday)

10:00-10:50       Hwanchul Yoo (KIAS)

                           Bruhat order, Schubert varieties and hyperplane arrangements


10:50-11:00      Coffee Break


11:00-11:50       T. N. Trung (Hanoi Institute of Mathematics)

                           Partial regularities of sums and intersections of powers of monomial ideals


11:50-12:00      Coffee Break


12:00-14:00       Lunch


14:00-14:50       Wanseok Lee (KIAS)

                                   On Non-normal del Pezzo varieties


14:50-15:00      Coffee Break


15:00-15:50       N. Trung (Hanoi Institute of Mathematics)

                           Asymptotic stability of regularity of powers of ideals



2011-09-21 10:54:04


Sang-il Oum


The 5th workshop on Graph Classes, Optimization, and Width Parameters (GROW2011) will take place in KAIST(E6-1 Room1501), Daejeon, South Korea during October 27-29, 2011.

This continues the series of the following meetings

Barcelona (Spain) in November 15-17, 2001 Prague (Czech) in October 17-19, 2005 Eugene (USA) in October 18-20, 2007 Bergen (Norway) in October 15-17, 2009.

Following previous GROW workshops, a special issue of Discrete Applied Mathematics is likely to be dedicated to papers related to GROW 2011.

This workshop is invitation-only, but please feel free to ask Sang-il Oum if you want to come and give a talk. All conference participants will be provided a free accommodation for four nights starting from Oct. 26, supported by the organizer.


Invited Speakers
Hans L. Bodlaender (Utrecht University, Netherlands) Lorna Stewart (University of Alberta, Canada) Daniel Lokshtanov (University of California at San Diego, USA)
2010-11-24 10:48:04

8th East Asian School of Knots and Related Topics

제8회 동아시아 매듭이론 학교가 2012년 1월 9일부터 12일까지 대전 KAIST에서 열립니다. 해외 참가자가 일본에서 50여명, 중국에서 25명, 미국에서 3명에 이르는 대규모 학회입니다. 관련 연구에 종사하시는 많은 분들의 관심과 참여를 부탁드립니다. 참가를 희망하시는 분은 학회 홈페이지 에서 12월 15일까지 등록하여 주시기 바랍니다. 학회등록비는 없고 희망하시는 분에 한해 숙박과 식사비용을 실비로 받습니다.
궁금하신 사항은 KAIST 고기형 교수에게 문의하시기 바랍니다.
2011-11-20 21:07:26


Local organizers and contacts:
Yong Jung Kim. KAIST. Tel: 42-350-2739, Fax: 42-350-5710, email:

Advisory committee:
Dongho Chae, Sungkyunkwan University
Hi Jun Choe, Yonsei University
Hyeonbae Kang, Inha University
Minkyu Kwak. Chonnam National University
Yong-Hoon Lee, Pusan National University

Scientific committee:
Jaeyoung Byeon. POSTECH
Seung Yeal Ha. Seoul National University
Kyung-Keun Kang, Sungkyunkwan University
Soonsik Kwon. KAIST
Ki-Ahm Lee. Seoul National University

Organizing committee:
Sun-Sig Byun, Seoul National University
Hyung Ju Hwang. POSTECH
Hyunseok Kim, Sogang University
Seick Kim, Yonsei University
Yong Jung Kim. KAIST

다음과 같이 제 2차 PDE-School을 개설합니다. 많은 PDE전공 수학자들과 대학원생들의 참가를 바랍니다.

날짜: 2012.01.09 – 2012.01.13
장소: NIMS (국가수리과학연구소)
주제: Optimal Transportation and Variational method

후원 : 국가수리과학연구소, BK21수학인재양성사업단
2011-12-28 13:05:33

Applied Analysis Workshop

□ Dates : 2012. 1. 12 (Thurs) - 13 (Fri)
□ Venue : Math Dept Seminar Room(3rd floor), Industrial & Management Bldg
□ Topics of the Workshop
• Control theory • Dynamical system • Signal Processing
• Game theory • Mathematical Physics etc
□ Organized by Prof Kwon, Kil H. (KAIST)
□ Supported by BK21, Department of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST

□ Titles of Talks
Dr. Akhmetzhanov, Andrei R.
1. Threshold models and abrupt change in social norms in complex social networks
2. Using the method of characteristics in nonzero-sum differential games
Prof. Azamov, Abdulla
On the Method of Discrete-Numerical Tracking in Dynamical Systems
Dr. Ha, Young Soo
Mapped WENO schemes based on a new smoothness indicator for Hamilton-Jacobi
Dr. Kim, Hwakil
Hamilton-Jacobi Equations in the Wasserstein space
Dr. Lee, Yeon Ju
Edge-Directed Image Zooming Algorithm Based on Directional Kernel Interpolation
Dr. Yoon, Gang J.
1. Duals of weighted exponential system
2. Alpha matting using compressive sensing
Prof. Yugay, Lev
On Decisions Making in Dynamical Cooperative Conflict Controlled Processes.

2012-01-09 14:36:36


Prof. Andreas Holmsen

10AM-11:50AM Michael Dobbins: Universality for families of non-crossing convex sets 11:00AM-11:50AM Arseniy Akopyan: Kadets type theorems for partitions of a convex body 3PM-3:50PM Roman Karasev: An analogue of Gromov’s waist theorem for coloring the cube 4PM-4:50PM Edward D. Kim: Lattice paths and Lagrangian matroids 5PM-5:50PM Alfredo Hubard: Space crossing numbers
2012-01-27 15:31:36


Seunghyun Seo (Kangwon National University), Heesung Shin (Inha University)

The \"Enumerative Combinatorics mini Workshop\" will be held at KAIST on Feburary 21-22. If you want to participate, please write a registration form at the bottom of this mail and email to \"> until Feburary 14.

The purpose of this workshop is not just presenting individual works but sharing problems together. So the topic is limited to \"enumeration\" of combinatorial objects, and the style of talk tends to be less formal.


Title/ Enumerative Combinatorics mini Workshop 2012 Date/ Feb. 21-22 (Tue-Wed), 2012 Venue/ Room #1409, Building E6-1, KAIST, Daejeon Organizers/ Seunghyun Seo (Kangwon National University), Heesung Shin (Inha University) Web/ We are going to give just 5 talks without contributed talks. provide for 3 meals (lunch & dinner of 21, lunch of 22) of all participates. support the accommodation of graduate students who registered until Feb 14.
2012-02-15 17:00:21

The series of Summer School will be devoted to the training of PhD students and young researchers in the area of probability. The main topic for the second year of this Summer School is \"stochastic partial differential equations and related fields\". Below are the details of the School.

Main Subject: Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Related Fields

Main Lecturers:

Istvan Gyongy (University of Edinburgh, UK): Numerical methods for stochastic partial differential equations\".

Nicolai V. Krylov (University of Minnesota, USA) : Filtering partially observable diffusions up to the exit time from a domain and related topics

Michael Roeckner (Fakult?t f?r Mathematik Universit?t Bielefeld, Germany) : Stochastic porous media equations: a survey and recent results

Mikhail Safonov (University of Minnesota, USA): General properties of solutions to second order elliptic equations and their probabilistic counterparts

All participants (except main lecturers) must fill out the registration form in Other information can be also found there. The dead line for the registration is May 1, 2012. Thanks to Funding from the NIMS, we will be able to provide lodging and meals for the selected participants. Participants wishing to apply for the lodging (and meals) support, indicate so in the form.
2012-04-09 13:19:24


KAIST 수리과학과 이창옥 교수

계산영상처리 미니워크숍
(Computational Imaging Processing Mini-Workshop)
일시: 2012년 8월 2일(목) 오후 3:00
장소 : 산업경영동 3층 세미나실 (3221호)
3:00-3:40 정미연 박사 (서울대 수학과), Nonlocal Active Contours
4:00-4:40 김선희 박사 (서울대 수학과), Unsupervised Multiple Region Segmentation by Adaptive Global Maximum Clustering
5:00-5:20 오승미 (서울대 수학과), Non-convex Hybrid Total Variation for Image Denoising
5:20-5:40 강명민 (서울대 수학과), Accelerated Bregman Method for Linearly Constrained l1-l2 Minimization
2012-07-26 17:24:50


Organizer: 박경숙(아주대), 조용화(KAIST), 양승환(POSTECH)

주최: 대한수학회(The Korean Mathematical Society,

주관: 한국신진수학도 워크샵 준비위원회

후원: KAIST 수리과학과 BK21

홈페이지 :


2012-07-23 13:22:05


Organizing committee Kihyoung Ko, Suhyoung Choi, Sang-hyun Kim


The 10th KAIST Geometric Topology Fair will focus on the recent developments in geometric group theory and three-manifold theory. The lecture series and talks will be aimed at graduate students and early career researchers.

(National Research Fund of Korean Government, 2011-0026138 & 2011-0027600)


August 13 - 17, 2012

KAIST, Daejeon, Korea.


Lecture Series by


Michael Davis (Ohio State Univ.)

Graph products, RACGs and RAAGs


Koji Fujiwara (Tohoku Univ.)

Group actions on quasi-trees


Alan Reid (Univ. of Texas at Austin)

3-manifold groups, covering spaces and LERF


Research Talks by


Jinseok Cho (KIAS)

Kanghyun Choi (KAIST)

Stefan Friedl (Univ. of Cologne)

Thilo Kuessner (KIAS)

Sang-hyun Kim (KAIST)

Taehee Kim (Konkuk Univ.)

Sang-Jin Lee (Konkuk Univ.)

Gye-Seon Lee (Seoul National Univ.)



Organizing committee Kihyoung Ko, Suhyoung Choi, Sang-hyun Kim

2012-07-17 14:04:46