Conferences & Workshops

구글 Calendar나 iPhone 등에서 구독하면 세미나 시작 전에 알림을 받을 수 있습니다.


Cho, Soojin (Ajou University, Korea)

Kim, Dongsu (KAIST, Korea)

Sagan, Bruce (Michigan State University and National Science Foundation, USA)

Yee, Ae Ja (Pennsylvania State University, USA)


* Invited Speakers:

Ardila, Federico, San Francisco State University, USA

Gessel, Ira, Brandeis University, USA

Haglund, James, University of Pennsylvania, USA

Kim, Sangwook, George Mason University, USA

Kwon, Jae-Hoon, University of Seoul, Korea

Okada, Soichi, Nagoya University, Japan

Sagan, Bruce, Michigan State University and National Science Foundation, USA

Seo, Seunghyun, Kangwon National University, Korea

Terada, Itaru, University of Tokyo, Japan

Wachs, Michelle, University of Miami, USA

Yee, Ae Ja, Pennsylvania State University, USA

Yong, Alex, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA

* Registration

There will be no registration fee.

* Further information:

All important information concerning the workshop can be found on the

workshop web site at

* Sponsors:

NIMS(National Institute for Mathematical Sciences), Korea

ASARC(Algebraic Structure and its Applications Research Center) KAIST, Korea

BK21 KAIST, Korea

Sungkyunkwan University, Korea

Ajou University, Korea
2009-11-05 09:53:19


Cho, Soojin (Ajou University, Korea)

Kim, Dongsu (KAIST, Korea)

Sagan, Bruce (Michigan State University and National Science Foundation, USA)


Keynote speakers:

Seok-Jin Kang (Seoul National University, Korea)

Bruce Sagan (Michigan State University and National Science Foundation, USA)

Invited speakers:

- Federico Ardila (San Francisco State University, USA)

- Ira Gessel (Brandeis University, USA)

- James Haglund (University of Pennsylvania, USA)

- Dea San Kim (Sogang University, Korea)

- Jang Soo Kim (LIAFA, University of Paris 7, France)

- Sangwook Kim (George Mason University, USA)

- Jaewoo Lee (Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY, USA)

- Suho Oh (MIT, USA)

- Soichi Okada (Nagoya University, Japan)

- Seunghyun Seo (Kangwon National University, Korea)

- Michelle Wachs (University of Miami, USA)

- Ae Ja Yee (Pennsylvania State University, USA)

- Alex Yong (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)

- HwanChul Yoo (MIT, USA)


Online Registration for the KMS-AMS meeting is available at Pre registration is until Nov. 25, 2009.
2009-11-05 09:57:39


Jung, Kyomin (정교민 교수), KAIST Kim, Jeong-Han (김정한 교수), NIMS Oum, Sang-il (엄상일 교수), KAIST

2010년 1월 11일에서 13일까지 2박 3일간, 알고리듬과 조합수학 분야에 관한 저변을 넓히고 지식을 공유하기 위해 겨울학교를 개최할 예정입니다. 기간내에 등록한 분들에 대하여 예산 범위 내에서 참가자 분들의 숙식을 제공할 예정이므로 많은 참여와 관심을 바랍니다.

참석자 목록 확인 및 숙식예약을 위해 12월 23일까지 등록해주시면 감사하겠습니다.

날짜: 2010년 1월 11일 1시 - 13일 오전 장소: 홍익대학교 국제연수원 (충남 연기군 조치원읍 신안리 272) 질문: Email to wsac2010  (  @ )


홈페이지 의 등록페이지에 들러서 등록해주시기 바랍니다. 등록마감: 12월 23일


Prof. Ahn, Hee-Kap (안희갑 교수) (POSTECH) Geometric Algorithms Geometric Graphs Prof. Jung, Kyomin (정교민 교수) (KAIST) NP-completeness Randomized Algorithms    Prof. Oum, Sang-il (엄상일 교수) (KAIST) Parameterized Complexity    Width Parameters of Graphs

등록마감: 12월 23일


예산이 가능하면 등록기간내에 등록한 참가자 분들(학생 포함)의 숙박비를 지원하려고 합니다. 숙박은 학생의 경우 4인실 온돌방, 그 외 교수 및 연구원의 경우 1인실 혹은 2인실 침대방으로 배정할 예정입니다.


ASARC (KAIST 대수구조및응용연구센터)  NIMS (국가수리과학연구소)  KAIST BK21 Real-World Scale Computing 사업단
2009-12-04 17:35:46


Ki Hyoung Ko (KAIST), Gyo Taek Jin (KAIST) and Suhyoung Choi (KAIST)

The aim of this workshop is to encourage academic activities in the area of geometric topology and promote friendly relations between researchers in this area. Our main focus is knot theory and its relationship to manifold theory. We hope this workshop contributes to acceleration of research in the field.
In this year, we will concentrate on arithmetic group theory and rigidity. The main aim is to introduce the graduate students to this area with applications to geometric topology.
2009-12-22 17:49:00


Sijong Kwak (Daejeon)
JongHae Keum (Seoul)

2010 Algebra and Geometry of Subvarieties of Projective Space
(in honor of Professor Fyodor Zak on his 60th birthday)
January 27-29, 2010


This workshop will take place in the department of mathematical sciences, KAIST(homepage) in Daejeon, Korea. The following speakers agreed to give a talk:

Invited Speakers 

M.Aprodu (Romanian Academy, Bucharest)
K.Furukawa (Waseda Univ., Tokyo)
J-M.Hwang (KIAS, Seoul)
P.Ionescu (U. of Bucharest)
H.Kaji (Waseda Univ., Tokyo)
E.Park (Korea Univ., Seoul)
J.Park (POSTECH, Pohang)
Ch.Peskine (Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris)
F.Polizzi (Univ. of Calabria/Sogang Univ., Seoul)
Z.Ran (Univ. of California Riverside)
M.Reid (Univ. of Warwick/Sogang Univ., Seoul)
F.Zak (Inde. Univ. of Moscow)


2009-12-23 17:13:59


Dong Youp Suh (KAIST)


Hiraku Abe (Tokyo Metropolitan University)

Kojun Abe (Shinshu University)

Bo Chen (Wuhan University)

Cheol-Hyun Cho (Seoul National University)

Yunhyung Cho (KAIST)

Suyoung Choi (Osaka City University)

Yukiko Fukukawa (Osaka City University)

Taekgyu Hwang (KAIST)

Hiroaki Ishida (Osaka City University)

Shizuo Kaji (Fukuoka University)

Shintaro Kuroki (KAIST)

Eunjeong Lee (KAIST)

Zhi Lu (Fudan University)

MIkiya Masuda (Osaka City University)

Omolola Odebiyi (Tokyo Metropolitan University)

Jeongseok Oh (KAIST)

Taras Panov (Moscow State University)

Seonjeong Park (KAIST)

Jongbaek Song (KAIST)

Dong Youp Suh (KAIST)

Takahiko Yoshida (Meiji University)

Li Yu (Nanjing University)

Dan Zaffran (KAIST)
2010-02-05 17:09:44


Ki Hyoung Ko , Ja Kyung Koo (KAIST)

Many problems in 3-dimensional topology have been ``almost\'\' solved by the recent proof of Thurston\'s geometrization conjecture and the Poincare conjecture using the arguments first given by Perelman. However, there are many remaining significant questions in 3-manifolds such as classification problems. These types of problems can be assisted greatly by the use of computations involving number theoretical algorithmic and numerical methods to compute various invariants. Such a large research project will need many dedicated workers devoting their collected efforts to development of computational tools and so on.

This workshop consists of three main series of lectures by world experts in algorithmic, number theoretic, and numerical aspects of hyperbolic 3-manifold and 3-orbifold theory. They will introduce the theory leading up to recent developments. There will be preliminary lectures by local mathematicians on geometric structures, orbifold theory, and number theory and elliptic curves to prepare for these lectures. The main purpose of the workshop is to introduce these materials to the graduate students and early career mathematicians in Korea.

Note: The excursions will be on Monday. Except for the students and the lecturers on Monday, one should go to excursions. The excursion will begin in early morning due to traffic and we will mainly visit two or three Seoul palaces and other points of interests. The detail will be announced later.

Invited Main Lecturers: 
Craig Hodgson (University of Melbourne) 
Walter Neumann (Columbia University) 
Alan Reid (University of Texas at Austin)

Session speakers: 
Hideki Miyachi (Osaka University) 
Kenich Ohshika (Osaka University) 
Mitsuhiko Takasawa (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Local Lecturers for students 
Suhyoung Choi (KAIST) Orbifold I (topology) Orbifold II (Geometry) 
Inkang Kim (KIAS) Geometry I (introduction to classical geometries) Geometry II (rigidity, arithmeticity for general lattices) 
Suhhyun Choi (KAIST) Number theory 
Kenichi Ohshika (Osaka University) Kleinian groups I (general theory) Kleinian groups II (Hyperbolization of Haken 3-manifolds)
2010-02-12 17:20:47


Dongwoo Sheen (Seoul National Univ.)

Dongsu Kim (KAIST)

Minkyu Kwak (Chonnam National Univ.)
2010-02-09 17:45:03


* 강연자 명단

1. Athanasios E. Tzavaras (U. of Maryland, April 21–May 03)

2. Paul Rabinowitz (U. of Wisconsin-Madison, April 28-May 03)

3. Joel Smoller (U. of Michigan, April 28-May 04)

4. Edriss Titi (The Weizmann Institute of Science and The University of California, Irvine. April 28-May 03)

5. G.-Q Chen (U. of Oxford, April 28-May 03)

6. Dehua Wang (U. of Pittsburgh, April 28-May 04)

7. Robert McCann (U. of Toronto, April 26-May 03)

8. Soon-Sik Kwon (Princeton U., April 28-May 06)

9. Marshall Slemrod (KAIST,UW, April 03-May 04)

10. Bruce van Brunt (Massey U, Marchl 23-June 10

11. Seung-Yeal Ha (Seoul National University)

12. Ki-Ahm Lee (Seoul National University)

13. Hyung Ju Hwang (Postech)

14. Jea-Young Byeon (Postech)

15. Yong-Jung Kim (KAIST)

16. Seok-Bae Yoon (KAIST)

17. Dong-Young Kim (Seoul National University)

* 주최 및 후원 : KAIST 수리과학과, 국가수리과학연구소, BK21수학인재양성사업단

* 문의 :
2010-04-22 13:57:57


Ken Stephenson of the University of Tennessee Alexander Bobenko of the Technical University, Berlin

Discrete differential geometry is concerned with: (1) discretization of concepts from classical differential and conformal geometry of surfaces; (2) creation of fast, flexible algorithms for computations with the objects of this discrete theory; and (3) application of the theory and software in mathematics, science, and engineering. The conference will be organized around these 5 interconnected themes:

\"Probability and Surfaces\", Rick Kenyon (Brown University)
- Matthew Kahle (Stanford)
- Russ Lyons (Indiana)
- Scott Sheffield (MIT)
- David Wilson (Microsoft) Tuesday
\"Discrete Integrable Systems\", Alexander Bobenko (TU - Berlin)
- Ulrich Pinkall (TU - Berlin)
- Wolfgang Schief (NSW)
- Boris Springborn (TU - Berlin) Wednesday
\"Discrete Conformal Geometry\", Elias Wegert (Freiberg)
- Edward Crane (Bristol)
- Feng Luo (Rutgers) Thursday
\"DDG for Fast Computational Algorithms\", Peter Schröder (CalTech)
- Mathieu Desbrun (Caltech)
- MaxWardetzky (Goettingen) Friday
\"Combinatorial Surfaces\", Ken Stephenson (Tennessee)
- Omer Angel (UBC)
- William Floyd (VPI&SU)
- Jonathan Shewchuk (Berkeley)

In addition to hour talks there will be contributed talks and evening poster and software demonstration sessions. This is a Participating Institution Conference of the IMA (Institute for Mathematics and its Applications) and additional funding is pending. Young researchers, women, and minorities are particularly encouraged to apply.
2010-03-17 14:31:36


김 용 정 교수님

산업 수학과 관련한 mini-conference가 다음주 산업경영학동 공동강의실에서 다음과 같이 열립니다. 
관심이 있으신 분들은 conference 웹 페이지를 통해 등록을 해주시면 이름표, 방켓 준비 등 도움이 되겠습니다. 
특히 올해는 지난 8년간 외국인 교수단으로 강의 및 응용수학 저변 확대를 위해 수고해 주신 외국인 교수단의 마지막 해로 이를 마무리하는 farewell party의 성격 있습니다.
많은 교수님들과 학생들의 참석 하셔서 인사하는 기회를 갖으시길 바랍니다.
2010-05-27 10:29:24


Prof. Sung-Ho Kim, KAIST

Prof. Zongmin Wu, Fudan Univ.

KAIST-FUDAN 2010 Joint Workshop in Applied Mathematics

1. 기간 : 2010. 7. 5 - 7. 6

2. 장소 : KAIST 산업경영학동 공동강의실(1501호)

3. 주최 : KAIST 수리과학과, BK21수학인재양성사업단

2010-06-28 16:17:57


Mitsugu Hirasaka (Pusan National University)
Hyun Kwang Kim (POSTECH)
Jack Koolen (POSTECH)

Plenary speakers

Alexander Barg (University of Maryland)
Henry Cohn (Microsoft)
DongSu Kim (KAIST)
Akihiro Munemasa (Tohoku University)
Mikhail Muzychuk (Netanya Academic College)
Tim Penttila (Colorado State University)
2010-05-29 19:25:33



2010 Summer Workshop for Young Mathematicians in Korea

1. 기간 : 2010. 8. 2. - 8. 4.

2. 장소 : KAIST 자연과학동 공동강의실(1501호)

3. 주최 : KAIST 수리과학과, POSTECH 수학과
2010-07-05 17:24:29

● Invited Speakers
-김 상 현 (KAIST)
-박 재 석 (연세대)
-변 양 현 (한양대)
-송 용 진 (인하대)
-윤 기 헌 (성신여대)
-조 철 현 (서울대)
-최 수 영 (오사카시립대)
-최 영 기 (서울대)

● 일정 및 장소
-2010년 8월 3일 ~4일
-KAIST 자연과학동 E 6-1(#3433)

● 주관자
-서 동 엽 (KAIST)
-송 용 진 (인하대)

● 주최
-대한수학회, 대수구조 및 응용연구센터

※ 참가하는 학생들에게 숙식을 제공합니다.
※ 대학원생들을 위한 강의 및 대학원생들의 발표 위주로 프로그램이 구성됩니다.

☞ 포스터

2010-07-26 09:21:05