Conferences & Workshops

구글 Calendar나 iPhone 등에서 구독하면 세미나 시작 전에 알림을 받을 수 있습니다.


Sijong Kwak (KAIST)
Seonja Kim (Chungwoon University)
Youngook Choi (Yeungnam University)
This workshop will take place in the department of mathematical sciences, KAIST(homepage) in Daejeon, Korea. The following speakers agreed to give a talk:

Invited Speakers
Caucher Birkar (University of Cambridge)
The Iitaka conjecture in dimension 6

Insong Choe (Konkuk University)
Segre invariants of vector bundles on curves and higher secant varieties

Sukmoon Huh (KIAS)
Geometry of moduli spaces of stable sheaves on surfaces and embedded curves

Jun-muk Hwang (KIAS)
Characteristic foliation of a hypersurface of general type on a projective symplectic manifold

Chikashi Miyazaki (Saga University)
Regularity of projective varieties and classical Castelnuovo\'s methods

Atsushi Noma (Yokohama National University)
Projective varieties with nonbirational linear projection and applications

Herbert Lange (Universitat-Erlangen-Nurnberg)
Clifford indices for vector bundles on curves

Hyungju Park (KIAS)
A generalization of Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity for representations

Peter Vermeire (Central Michigan University)
Normality, equations and syzygies of secant varieties

Sijong Kwak (KAIST)
Seonja Kim (Chungwoon University)
Youngook Choi (Yeungnam University)
2009-03-03 11:21:05



2009년도 대한수학회 봄 연구발표회가 다음과 같이 개최됩니다
일시 : 2009. 4. 25 (토) 장소 : 아주대학교 (수원)
2009-03-19 16:05:26


송용진(인하대학교), 서동엽(KAIST)

제2회 Topology Workshop

8월 17일(월)-19일(수)

장소: #1501, E6-1, KAIST

Invited Speaker


주관: 송용진(인하대학교), 서동엽(KAIST)

* 17일 점심이 예약되어 있으니 일찍 도착하시는 분들께서는 자연과학동 E6-1 #1410 에 11시 50분까지 오셔서 식권을 받아 이용하시기 바랍니다.

송용진 : , HP : 011-477-9294
김윤옥 : , Tel : 042-350-8111

8월 17일 (월)

1:00 – 1:15 등록 및 개회식

1:15 – 2:00 서동엽(KAIST)
Bott towers and cohomological rigidity I

2:15 – 3:00 이종범(서강대학교)
Averaging formula for Nielsen numbers I

3:15 – 4:00 정규락(KIAS)
Derived (or Homotopy) categories and derived functors I

4:15 – 5:00 김태희(건국대학교)
Reidemeister torsion and homology cylinders I

5:15 – 6:00 김태희(건국대학교)
Reidemeister torsion and homology cylinders II

6:30 회식 (Dinner)

8월 18일 (화)

9:15-10:00 서동엽(KAIST)
Bott towers and cohomological rigidity II

10:15-11:00 이종범(서강대학교)
Averaging formula for Nielsen numbers II

11:15-12:00 정규락(KIAS)
Derived (or Homotopy) categories and derived factors II

12:00-1:00 점심

1:00~ 단체 관광 (Excursion)
장소: 부여

8월 19일 (수)

9:30-10:15 조진석(서울대학교)
Kashaev invariant

10:30-11:15 조진석(서울대학교)
Kashaev\'s volume conjecture

11:30-12:15 조윤희(서울시립대학교)
Problems in extended hyperbolic space I

12:15-1:45 Lunch

1:45-2:30 조장현(경상대학교)
Finitely dominated spaces and projective modules I

2:45-3:30 조장현(경상대학교)
Finitely dominated spaces and projective modules II

3:45-4:30 함지영(서울대학교)
Volumes of hyperbolic cone-manifolds of knot 6_1
2009-07-20 14:03:23



Organizing Committee

Gi-Sang Cheon (천기상), Sungkyunkwan University
Dongsu Kim (김동수), KAIST
Jaeun Lee (이재운), Yeongnam University

Local Organizing Committee

Soon-Yi Kang (강순이), KAIST (Email: sy2kang at
Sang-il Oum (엄상일), KAIST (Email: sangil at


2009 Combinatorics Workshop

August 20-21, 2009


Registration deadline: 7/20

6회째를 맞는 2009 조합론 학술대회가 올해는 8월 20일-21일에 KAIST에서 열립니다.

참여를 원하시는 분은 학회 홈페이지를 들러주셔서 등록기간 내에 온라인으로 등록해주시기 바랍니다.

특히 학회에서 발표하시길 원하시는 분은 등록기간 내에 제목과 발표초록을 함께 등록해주시거나
kaist2009 at gmail.com으로 보내주시기 바랍니다.
궁금하신 점은 kaist2009 at gmail.com으로 보내주시면 곧 답변 드리겠습니다.

그리고 주변에 관심있는 분들께도 알려주셔서 참석을 권해주시길 바랍니다. 감사합니다.

The 6th, \"2009 Combinatorics Workshop\" will be held at KAIST on August 20-21.

If you want to participate, please register online at the workshop
website until the deadline of the registration.

In particular, if you want to give a contributed talk, please submit
the title and the abstract of your talk when you register, or
please send them to .
If you have any questions, please email to  and
then local organizers will reply.

And please forward this email to anyone who might be interested. Thank
you very much.

- Invited Speakers
* Andreas Holmsen, KAIST.
Combinatorial geometry and geometric transversals

* Tommy R. Jensen, Kyungpook National University.
Some open problems on critical graphs

* Jeong-Han Kim (김정한), NIMS.

* Suh-Ryung Kim (김서령), Seoul National University.
Competition graph and its variants

* Seunghyun Seo (서승현), Kangwon National University.
Counting derangements with ascents and descents in given positions

* Mark H. Siggers, Kyungpook National University.
Reflexive graphs admitting semilattice polymorphisms - a
characterisation generalising chordal graphs
2009-07-06 11:19:13