
  1. Cawiding OR, Jeon S, Tubera-Panes D, de los Reyes V AA, Kim JK, Disentangling climate’s dual role in dengue dynamics: a multi-region causal analysis study,  Science Advances(2025)
  2. Chae SJ , Shin S, Lee S, Kim JK, From Homogeneity to Heterogeneity: Refining stochastic simulations of gene regulation, Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal (2025)
  3. Jeong EM, Kim JK, Less is More: Machine Learning-Based Shortened Sleep Questionnaires for Efficient Clinical Practice, Sleep Medicine Research (2025)
  4. Cawiding OR, Lee S, Jo H, Kim S, Suh SY, Joo EY, Chung S, Kim JK, SymScore: Machine learning accuracy meets transparency in a symbolic regression-based clinical score generator, Computers in Biology and Medicine (2025)
  5. Lee, SJ Chae, IH Jang, SC Oh, SM Kim, SY Lee, JH Kim, J Ko, HJ Kim, Song IC, Kim JK*, Kim TD*, B7H6 is the predominant activating ligand driving natural killer cell-mediated killing in patients with liquid tumours: evidence from clinical, in silico, in vitro, and in vivo studies, eBiomedicine (2024)
  6. Dongju Lim, Jaegwon Jeong, Yun Min Song, Chul-Hyun Cho, Ji Won Yeom, Taek Lee, Jung-Been Lee, Heon-Jeong Lee*, Jae Kyoung Kim*, Accurate Prediction of Mood Episodes in Mood Disorder Patients Using Sleep and Circadian Rhythm Features from Wearables, NPJ Digital Medicine (2024)
  7. Hong H, Eom E, LEE H, Chio S, Chio B, Kim JK, Overcoming Bias in Estimating Epidemiological Parameters: A Bayesian Approach with Realistic History-Dependent Disease Spread Dynamics, Nature Communications (2024)
  8. Song YM, Kim JK, What’s driving rhythmic gene expression: Sleep or the clock?, Cell Systems (2024)
  9. Otobe Y, Jeong EM, Ito S, Fukada Y* Kim JK* and Yoshitane H*, Phosphorylation of DNA-binding domains of CLOCK-BMAL1 complex is essential for mammalian circadian clockwork, PNAS (2024)
  10. Kim H, Chang W, Chae SJ, Park JE, Seo M, Kim JK, scLENS: Data-driven signal detection for unbiased scRNA-seq data analysis, Nature Communications (2024)
  11. Shin S, Chae SJ, Lee S, Kim JK, Beyond homogeneity: Assessing the validity of the Michaelis–Menten rate law in spatially heterogeneous Environments, PLoS Comp Biol (2024)
  12. Byun JH, Jeon HS, Yun HW, Kim JK, Validity Conditions of Approximations for a Target-Mediated Drug Disposition Model: A Novel First-Order Approximation and Its Comparison to Other Approximations, PLoS Comp Biol (2024)
  13. Jo HT, Jeon HJ, Ahn J, Jeon S*, Kim JK*, Chung S*, Dysfunctional Beliefs and Attitudes about Sleep-6 (DBAS-6): Data-driven Shortened Version from a Machine Learning Approach, Sleep Medicine (2024)
  14. Jo H, Lim M, Jeon HJ, Ahn J, Jeon S, Kim JK*, Chung S*, Jo H, Lim M, Jeon HJ, Ahn J, Jeon S, Kim JK*, Chung S*, Data-driven Shortened Insomnia Severity Index: A Machine Learning Approach, Sleep and Breathing (2024)
  15. Song YM, Jeong J, Reyes AV, Cho CH, Yeom JW, Lee T, Lee JB, Lee HJ, Kim JK, Causal Dynamics of Sleep, Circadian Rhythm, and Mood in Major Depression and Bipolar Disorder Patients: Insights from Longitudinal Wearable Device Data, eBiomedicine (2024)
  16. Jeong EM, Kim JK, Robust Ultrasensitive Transcriptional Switch in Noisy Cellular Environments, NPJ Syst Biol & Appl (2024)
  17. Li P, Kim JK, Circadian regulation of sinoatrial nodal cell pacemaking function: Dissecting the roles of autonomic control, body temperature, and local circadian rhythmicity, PLoS Comp Biol (2024)
  18. Chae S, Kim DW, Igoshin OA, Lee S, Kim JK, Beyond microtubule: Cellular environment at the endoplasmic reticulum attracts proteins to the nucleus, essential for nuclear transport, iScience (2024)
  19. Song YM, Campbell S, Shiau L, Kim JK*, Ott W*, Noisy delay denoises biochemical oscillators, Physical Review Letters (2024)
  20. Jo H, Hong H, Hwang H,J, Chang W, Kim JK, Density Physics-Informed Neural Network reveals sources of cell heterogeneity in signal transduction, Cell Patterns (2024)
  21. Lee MP, Hoang K, Park S, Song YM, Joo EY, Chang W, Kim JH, Kim JK, Imputing Missing Sleep Data from Wearables with Neural Networks in Real-World Settings, Sleep (2024) PDF
  22. Hong H, Cortez MJ, Cheng YY, Kim HJ, Choi B, Josic K, Kim JK, Inferring delays in partially observed gene regulatory networks, Bioinformatics (2023) PDF
  23. Ha S, Choi SJ, Lee S, Wijaya RH, Kim JH, Joo EY, Kim JK, A machine learning-based simple questionnaire for predicting the risk of sleep disorders, J Medical Internet Research (2023) PDF
  24. Park SH, Ha S, Kim JK, A general model-based causal inference overcomes the curse of synchrony and indirect effect, Nature Communications (2023) PDF
  25. YM Song, SJ Choi, SH Park, SJ Lee, EY Joo, Kim JK, A real-time, personalized sleep intervention using mathematical modelling and wearable devices, Sleep (2023) PDF
  26. Hong H, Hernandez BS, Kim J, Kim JK, Computational translation framework identifies biochemical reaction networks with special topologies and their long-term dynamics, SIAM Applied Math (2023) PDF
  27. Hernandez BS, Vincent P, Johnston M, Kim JK, A framework for deriving analytic steady states of biochemical reaction networks, PLOS Comp Biol (2023) PDF
  28. Chae SJ, Kim DW, Lee S, Kim JK, Spatially coordinated collective phosphorylation filters spatiotemporal noises for precise circadian timekeeping, iScience (2023) PDF
  29. Kim DW, Byun JM, Lee JK, Kim JK+, Koh Y+, Chemotherapy delivery time affects anti-lymphoma treatment outcome in a sex-dependent manner, JCI Insight (2023) PDF
  30. Vu Thi NA*, Song YM*, Tran Thi Q*, Yum HY, Kim SK†, Chae JW†, Kim JK†, Beyond the Michaelis-Menten: Accurate Prediction of Drug Interactions  through Cytochrome P450 Induction, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics (2022)PDF
  31. Abe YO, Yoshitane H, Kim DW, Koebis M, Aiba A, Kim JK+, Fukada Y+, Rhythmic transcription of Bmal1 stabilizes the circadian timekeeping system in mammals, Nature Communications (2022) PDF
  32. Ryu HJ, Kang WH, Kim T, Kim JK, Shin KH, Chae JW, and Yun HY, A compatibility evaluation between the physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model and the compartmental PK model using the lumping method with real cases, Frontiers in Pharmacology (2022) PDF
  33. Lee J, Ha S, Ahmed O, Cho IK, Lee D, Kim K, Kang S, Lee S, Suh S, Chung S, Kim JK, Validation of a Korean version of the Metacognitions Questionnaire-Insomnia (MCQ-I) and development of shortened versions of the rating scale: a random forest approach, Sleep Medicine (2022) PDF
  34. Hong H, Noh JY, Lee H, Choi S, Choi B, Kim JK+, EC Shin+, Modeling Incorporating the Severity-Reducing Long-term Immunity: Higher Viral Transmission Paradoxically Reduces Severe COVID-19 During Endemic Transition, Immune Network (2022) PDF
  35. Tyson JJ, Csikasz-Nagy A, Gonze D, Kim JK, Santos S, Wolf J, Time-keeping and decision-making in living cells: Part II, Interface Focus (2022) PDF
  36. Tyson JJ, Csikasz-Nagy A, Gonze D, Kim JK, Santos S, Wolf J, Time-keeping and decision-making in living cells: Part I, Interface Focus (2022) PDF
  37. Jeong EM, Song YM, Kim JK, Combined multiple transcriptional repression mechanisms generate ultrasensitivity and oscillations, Interface Focus (2022) PDF
  38. Kim DW, Hong HH, Kim JK, Systematic inference identifies a major source of heterogeneity in cell signaling dynamics: the rate-limiting step number, Science Advances (2022) PDF
  39. Jeong EM, Kwon MR, Cho E, Lee SH, Kim EY, Kim JK, Systematic modeling-driven experiments identify distinct molecular clockworks underlying hierarchically organized pacemaker neurons, PNAS (2022) PDF    
  40. Pay ML, Kim DW, Somers DE, Kim JK†, Foocor M†, Modeling of Plant Circadian Clock for Characterizing Hypocotyl Growth under Different Light Quality Conditions, in silico Plants (2022) PDF
  41. Song YM, Hong H, Kim JK, Universally valid reduction of multiscale stochastic biochemical systems using simple non-elementary propensities, PLoS Comput Biol (2021) PDF    
  42. Hong J, Choi S, Park SH, Hong H, Booth V, Joo EY, Kim JK, Personalized sleep-wake patterns aligned with circadian rhythm relieve daytime sleepiness, iScience (2021) PDF    
  43. Tyler J, Forger DB, Kim JK, Inferring causality in biological oscillators, Bioinformatics (2021) PDF   
  44. Cortez MJ, Hong H, Choi B†, Kim JK†, Josic K†, Hierarchical Bayesian models of transcriptional and translational regulation processes with delays, Bioinformatics (2021)  PDF   
  45. Hong H, Kim JS, Ali M, Sontag ED, Kim JK, Derivation of stationary distributions of biochemical reaction networks via structure transformation, Communication Biology (2021) PDF   
  46. Bolsiusa YG, Zurbriggen MD, Kim JK, Kasa MJ, Meerloa P, Aton SJ, Havekesa R, The role of clock genes in sleep, stress and memory, Biochemical Pharmacology (2021) PDF   
  47. Ma EY, Kim JW, Lee Y, Cho SW, Kim H, Kim JK, Combined unsupervised‑supervised machine learning for phenotyping complex diseases with its application to obstructive sleep apnea, Scientific Reports (2021) PDF    
  48. Beesley S*, Kim DW*, DAlessandro M, Jin Y, Lee K, Joo H, Young Y, Tomko R, Kim JK†, Lee C+, Wake-sleep cycles are severely disrupted by diseases affecting cytoplasmic homeostasis, PNAS (2020) PDF  (Editor's choice of  Sci Trans Med )   Article has an altmetric score of 88
  49. Kim JK†, Tyson JJ, Misuse of the Michaelis-Menten rate law for protein-interaction networks and its remedy, PLoS Comp Biol (2020) PDF
  50. C Nguyen, JK Kim, SK Han, Robust and Tunable Toggle Switches with Interlocked Positive Feedback Loops, J Korean Physi Soc (2020) PDF
  51. DW Kim, E Zavala†, JK Kim†, Wearable technology and systems modeling for personalized chronotherapy, Curr Opin Syst Biol (2020) PDF
  52. Back HM, Yun HY, Kim SK†, Kim JK†, Beyond the Michaelis-Menten: Prediction of in vivo clearance for drugs with low KM, Clin. Transl. Sci. (2020) PDF
  53. Masuda S, Narasimamurthy R, Yoshitane H, Kim JK, Fukada Y, Virshup DM, Mutation of a PER2 phosphodegron perturbs the circadian phosphoswitch, PNAS (2020) PDF
  54. Choi B, Cheng YY, Cinar S, Ott W, Bennett MR, Josic K†, Kim JK†, Bayesian inference of distributed time delay in transcriptional and translational regulation, Bioinformatics (2020) PDF
  55. Zou X, DW Kim, Gotoh T, Liu J, Kim JK, Finkielstein CV, A systems biology approach identifies hidden regulatory connections between the circadian and cell-cycle checkpoints, Front. Physiol. (2020) PDF
  56. Kim JK†,*, Chen Y*, Hirning A, Alnahhas R, Josic K†, Bennett MR†, Long-range temporal coordination of gene expression in spatially extended synthetic microbial consortia, Nature Chemical Biology (2019) PDF
  57. Ali K*, Kim JK*, Jan M, Khan H, Khan I, Shen M, Park J, Lim CJ, Hussain S, Baek D, Wang K, Chung W, Vicente R, Lee SY, Gong Z, Kim WY, Bressan RA, Pardo JM, Yun DJ, Rheostatic control of ABA signaling through HOS15-mediated OST1 degradation, Molecular Plant (2019) PDF
  58. Kim DW, Chang C†, Chen X, Doran A, Gaudreault F, Wager T, DeMarco GJ, Kim JK†, Systems approach reveals photosensitivity and PER2 level as determinants of clock‐modulator efficacy, Molecular Systems Biology (2019) PDF (Reprted at Mirage News & YTN) (Cover article)
  59. Polasek TM, Rostami-Hodjegan A, Yim DS, Jamei M, Lee H, Kimko H, Kim JK, Nguyen PTT, Darwich AS, Shin JG, What Does it Take to Make Model-Informed Precision Dosing Common Practice? Report from the 1st Asian Symposium on Precision Dosing, The AAPS Journal (2019) PDF
  60. Jo H, Kim Y, Kim JK, Foo M, Somers DE, Kim P, Waveforms of Molecular Oscillations Reveal Circadian Timekeeping Mechanisms, Communications Biol (2018) PDF
  61. Liu J, Zou X, Gotoh T, Brown AM, Jiang L, Kim JK, Finkielstein CV, Distinct control of PERIOD2 degradation and circadian rhythms by the oncoprotein and ubiquitin ligase MDM2, Science Singaling (2018) PDF
  62. Bellman J*, Kim JK*, Lim S, Hong C, Modeling reveals a key mechanism for light-dependent phase shifts of Neurospora circadian rhythms, Biophy J (2018) PDF
  63. Narasimamurthy R, Hunt SR, Lu Y, Fustin JM, Okamura H, Partch CL, Forger DB, Kim JK, Virshup DM. CK1δ/ε protein kinase primes the PER2 circadian phosphoswitch. PNAS (2018) PDF
  64. Choi B, and Rempala GA, Kim JK, Beyond the Michaelis-Menten equation: Accurate and efficient estimation of enzyme kinetic parameters, Scientific Reports (2017) PDF
  65. DAlessandro M*, Beesley S*, Kim JK*, Jones Z, Chen R, Vera D, Kyle K, Pagano M, Nowakowski R, Lee C, Stability of wake-sleep cycles requires robust degradation of the PERIOD protein, Current Biology (2017) PDF
  66. Kim JK†, Rempala GA†, Kang HW†, Reduction For Stochastic Biochemical Reaction Networks with Multiscale Conservations, SIAM Multiscale Modeling and Simulations (2017) PDF
  67. Kim JK†, Sontag E†, Reduction of Multiscale Stochastic Biochemical Reaction Networks using Exact Moment Derivation, PLoS Compuational Biology (2017) PDF
  68. Gotoh T, Kim JK†, Liu J, Vila-Caballera M, Stauffera PE, Tyson JJ, Finkielstein C†, Model-driven experimental approach reveals the complex regulatory distribution of p53 by the circadian factor Period 2, PNAS 113(47) 13516-13521(2016) (1st co-author †co- corresponding author) PDF (Reprted at Asian Scientist & YTN)
  69. Kim JK†, Protein sequestration versus Hill-type repression in circadian clock models, IET Systems Biology 10(4) 125-135 (2016) PDF
  70. DAlessandro M, Beesley S, Kim JK, Chen R, Abich E, Cheng W, Yi P, Takahashi JS, Lee C, A tunable artificial circadian clock in clock-defective mice, Nature Communication 6:9587 (2015) PDF
  71. Kim JK†, Josic K†, and Bennett MR†, The relationship between deterministic and stochastic quasisteady state approximation, BMC Systems Biology 9:87(2015) PDF
  72. Zhou M*, Kim JK*, Ling Eng GW, Forger DB, Virshup DM, A Period2 Phosphoswitch Regulates and Compensates Circadian Period (1st co-author), Molecular Cell 60 (2015) (Reported at Science Daily, MBC & YTN) PDF
  73. Ye C*, Kim JK*, Hirning A, Josic K, and Bennett MR, Emergent genetic oscillations in a synthetic microbial consortium (1st co-author), Science 349.6251 (2015) (Reported at Science Daily & YTN) PDF
  74. Kim JK, Josic K, and Bennett MR, The validity of quasi steady-state approximations in discrete stochastic simulations, Biophysical Journal 107 (2014) PDF
  75. Kim JK, Kilpatrick Z, Bennett MR, and Josic K, Molecular mechanisms that regulate the coupled period of the mammalian circadian clock, Biophysical Journal 106 (2014) (Featured article of journal) PDF
  76. Goriki A, Hatanaka F, Myung J, Kim JK, Yoritaka T, Tanoue S, Abe T, Kiyonari H, Fujimoto K, Kato Y, Matsubara A, Forger DB, and Takumi T. A novel protein, CHRONO, functions as a core component of the mammalian circadian clock, PLoS Biology 12 (2014) (Reported at Gene News and Science Daily) PDF
  77. Kim JK, Forger DB, Marconi M, Wood D, Doran A, Wager TT, Chang C and Walton K, Modeling and Validating Chronic Pharmacological Manipulation of Circadian Rhythms, Nature CPT:Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology 8 (2013) PDF
  78. Kim JK and Jackson T, Mechanisms that Enhance Sustainability of p53 pulses, PLoS ONE 8, (2013) PDF
  79. Kim JK and Forger DB, A Mechanism for Robust Circadian Timekeeping via stoichiometric balance, Nature/EMBO Molecular Systems Biology 8, (2012) (Recommended by F1000 Prime) PDF
  80. Kim JK and Forger DB, On the Existence and Uniqueness of Biological Clock Models Matching Experimental Data, SIAM J. APPL. MATH., 72 (2012), pp. 1842-1855 (Reported at Vertical News) PDF

Article in preperation

  1. Hirono Y, Hong H, Kim JK, Robust Perfect Adaptation of Reaction Fluxes Ensured by Network Topology, Arxiv
  2. Jeong S, Kim DW, Ha S, Ahn G, Shin GI, Nguyen CC, Cha JY, Kim JK*, Kim WY*, Unraveling strong circadian rhythms: synergy in protein degradation and synthesis
  3. Shin GI†, Cha JY†, Lim D, Alimzhan A, Ahn G, Jeong SY, Ji MG, Lee SY, Kim MG, Kim J, Kim JK, Kim WY, GIGANTEA gates TOR-mediated meristem activation to control plant diurnal root growth
  4. Cawiding OR, Jeon S, Tubera-Panes D, de los Reyes V AA, Kim JK. Disentangling climate’s dual role in dengue dynamics: a multi-region causal analysis study
  5. Li P, Lee S, Choi KW, Rubin J*, and Kim JK*, Cardiogenic and Chronobiological Mechanisms in Seizure-Induced Sinus Arrhythmias
  6. Jo H, Josic K*, Kim JK*, Neural Network-Based Parameter Estimation for Non-Autonomous Differential Equations with Discontinuous Signals
  7. YM Song, Joen S, Cho A, Chung S, Ahn Y, Kim JK*, Suh S*, Predictors of Sleep Quality Trajectories and Alertness in Shift Workers Undergoing Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for insomnia.
  8. Lim D, Choi SJ, Song YM, Park HR, Joo EY*, Kim JK*, Enhanced Circadian Phase Tracking: A 5 Hour DLMO Sampling Protocol Using Wearable Data
  9. Jang HJ, Song YM, Jeon JS, Yun H, Kim SK, Kim JK, Optimizing enzyme inhibition analysis: precise estimation with a single inhibitor concentration

Book Chapters

  1. Kim JK, Tick, Tock, Circadian Clocks. In Pavel Kraikivski (Ed.) Case Studies in Systems Biology pp. 48-64. Springer International Publishing (2021) PDF 
  2. Hong H, Choi, B, Kim JK, Beyond the Michaelis–Menten: Bayesian Inference for Enzyme Kinetic Analysis. In Quentin Vanhaelen (Ed.) Computational Methods for Estimating the Kinetic Parameters of Biological Systems, Springer US (2021) PDF 


Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Cellular Clocks, Ph. D., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (Sumner B. Myers Award) PDF


2024 Algorithm for signal analysis of single cell RNA sequencing (10-2024-0019028)

2023 Personalized sleep pattern providing system (10-2023-0088588)

2023 Apparatus and method for predicting risk of sleep disorders using machine learning based questionnaires (10-2023-0036139)

2023 Method for predicting the cytotoxicity of NK cells (10-2023-0005004)

2020 Health wearable device-based program providing personalized sleep-wake patterns (10-2020-0154795)




2024 Innovation Award, MEDITEK

2023 KAIST Global Research Cooperation Awards

2023 Citation from the Minster Ministry of Science and ICT

2023 Innovation Award, MEDITEK

2021 Choi Seok-jeong Award (Minister of Science and ICT Award), Ministry of Science and ICT & Korea Mathematical Socieity

2019 Member of Young Korean Academy of Science and Technology, Korean Academy of Science and Technology

2019 J. Shelton Horsley Research Award, Virginia Academy of Science

2018 Yonam International Collaborative Research Professorship, LG Yonam Foundation

2017 KSIAM Young Researcher Award, Korea Society of Industrial & Applied Math

2017 Best Teaching Award College of Natural Sciences, KAIST

2017 EWon Assistant Professorship for Outstanding Junior Faculty, KAIST

2016 30 Young Leading Scientists of Korea, Donga Daily News & Postec

2015 Sangsan Young Mathematician Award, Korea Mathematical Socieity

2015 Chungam Science Fellow, TJ Park Science Foundation

2013 Sumner B. Myers Prize for the best math Ph.D. thesis, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

2012 Outstanding Teaching Award, University of Micghian, Ann Arbor

Research Grants

Biomedical Mathematics Group, IBS, 2021-2026

Saumsung STF Foundation, Inference of dynamic networks from timeseries big data in biological systems, 2020-2024 (Reported at News of Korea Economy)

LG Yonam Foundation, Development of a mathematical model to analyze and improve the sleep patterns, 2019-2020 (Reported at News of ZDnet)

Creative Allied Project, Development of Next Generation Anticancer Immune Cell Therapy using Gene Editing, 2018-2023

Ewon Fellowship, The reverse engineering algorithm based on convergence cross mapping and machine learning, 2017–2019

Pfizer Inc, Matheamtical modeling for a new drug development regulating circadian rhythms, 2016-2018 (Reported at News of YTN TV)

Korea National Research Foundation Young Investigator Grant, Investigation of circadian clocks and their interactions with cancer by the development of theory for reduction of stochastic systems and mathematical modeling, 2016-2021

TJ Park Science Fellowship, Simplification and mathematical modeling of stochastic biochemical networks, 2016–2018

Editorial works

Chief Editor of Current Opinions in Systems Biology (2024-Present)

Editorial Board member of SIAM Review (2025-Present)

Editorial Board member of CSIAM Transaction on Life Sciences (2024-Present)

Editorial Board member of NPJ Biological Timing and Sleep (2023-Present)

Editorial Board member of J Theor Biol (2023-Present)

Editorial Board member of NPJ Systems Biology and its Application (2023-Present)

Editorial Board member of Mathematical Biosciences (2023-Present)

Editorial Board member of Current Opinions in Systems Biology (2022-Present)

Editorial Board member of J Biogical Rhythms (2019-Present)

Editorial Board member of PLOS ONE (Biophysics) (2018-Present)

Guest Associate Editor of PLOS Computaional Biology (2014, 2018)

Conference/Workshop Organizations

2024 SMB Sattelite Workshop on Recent advances in methods for mathematical biology, Daejeon, Korea

2024 Society of Matheamtical Biology Annual Meeting, Seoul, Korea

2024 SIAM LS Annual Meeting, Portland, USA

2023 PAGK Annual Meeting, Daejeon, Korea

2023 HFSP Allumni Symposium, Daejeon, Korea

2023 ICIAM Satelite workshop, Daejeon, Korea

2023 KSIAM-NIMS Summer School for Biological Mathematics, Jeju, Korea

2023 KNTEC LEDARE workshop, Stockholm, Sweden

2022 KSIAM-NIMS Summer School for Biological Mathematics, Yeosu, Korea

2022 KSIAM Spring Conference, Daejeon, Korea

2021 Society of Matheamtical Biology Annual Meeting, Online

2020 MBI Workshop on Matheamtical and Computational Methods in Biology, Columbus, USA

2019 International Conference on Systems Biology, Okinawa, Japan

2019 A3 Workshop on Mathematical Life Science, Peking, China

2018 A3 Foresight Program Joint Workshop, Mathematics of Biology, Fluid Dynamics and Material Sciences, Gangneung, Korea

2018 Korea Socienty of Industiral and Applied Mathematics Spring Conference, Dajeoen, Korea

2018 A3 International Workshop For Mathematical and Life Sciences, Hiroshima, Japan

2017 Korea Socienty of Industiral and Applied Mathematics Spring Conference, Seoul, Korea

2017 A3-NIMS Joint Workshop on Interdisciplinary Research Connecting Mathematics and Biology, Daejeon, Korea

2016 A3 Workshop on Interdisciplinary Research Connecting Mathematics and Biology, Peking, China

Mini-symposium Organizations

2022 SIAM LS Mini-Symposium: Biological Oscillations: From Genes to Populations, Pittsburgh, USA

2022 KSIAM-NIMS School on Biomathematics, Yeosu, Korea

2022 KSIAM Spring Meeting, Daejeon, Korea

2022 KSMCB Circadian Rhyhtms Division Workshop, Daejeon, Korea


2019 ICIAM Mini-Symposium: CJK-SIAMs joint mini-symposium on Mathematical Biology, Valencia, Spain

2018 Analysis for biology data: from molecules to populations, KSIAM Annual Meeting, Jeju, Korea

2018 Multi-scale modleing and simulations of stochastic systems, European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology, Lisbon, Portugal

2018 When math meets brains, Korea Socieity of Mathematical Biology Annual Meeting, Busan, Korea

2015 Approximation and simulation of multiscale stochastic system, Society of Mathematical Biology Annual Meeting, Atlanta, USA

Invited Talks


SIAM Annual Meeting (Plenary, July), Montreal, Canada

Gordon Research Conference on Chronobiology (July), Barcelona, Spain

The Chinese Society of Cell Biology Annual Meeting (April), Guangdong, China

University of Science and Technology of China Biology Seminar (Apirl), Guangdong, China

Asian Forum on Chronobiology (AFC) Congress (Feb), New Delhi, India

International Workshop on Mathematical Biology (Jan, Plenary), Palawan, Philippine


Korean Society of Sleep Medicine (Nov), Seoul, Korea

The Korean Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine Annual Meeting (Nov), Seoul, Korea

East Asia Molecular BIology (Nov), Busan, Korea

KIAS-KU international workshop: Theoretical Challenges in Network Science (Nov) , Seoul, Korea

KPS Statistical Physics Division Monthly Meeting Seminar (Nov), Pohang, Korea

ReaDiNet 2024 (Oct), Jeju, Korea

Ajou University Medical School Seminar, Suwon, Korea

Korean Society for Depressive and Bipolar Disorder Annual Meeting, Seoul, Korea

Monash U Sleep Seminar, Melbourne, Australia U

Melbourene Mathematical Biology Seminar, Melbourne, Australia

Matrix Workshop, Melbourne, Australia

Sydney U Charles Peskin Center Seminar, Sydney, Australia

ICMMA International Conference on "Self-organization in Life and Matter", Tokyo, Japan

A3 Mathematical Meeting, Wuhan, China

Chungnam National University Hospital Clinical Trials Center, Daejeon, Korea

KADR-JADR Joint Symposium (Pleanary), Seoul, Korea

Asian Forum on Chronobiology, Sapporo, Japan

Q-bio Conference, Shenzhen, China

Korean Sleep Research Society, Seoul, Korea

Society of Mathematical Biology Annual Meeting (Plenary), Seoul, Korea

Mathbio2024 (Plenary), Durban, South Afria

SIAM LS 2024 Meeting (Mini Tutorial), Portland, USA

Washington State U Sleep Center Seminar, Spokane, USA

Flatiron Institute Computational Mathematics Seminar, New York, USA

U of Michigan, Ann Arbor Applied Math Seminar, Ann Arbor, USA

Chungnam National Univ, Pharmacology Seminar ,Daejeon, Korea

Soong Sil U, School of Systems Biomedical Science Seminar, Seoul, Korea

GIST Colloquium, Gwangju, Korea

LMU Biology Seminar. Munich, Germany

EMBL Workshop "Biological oscillators: rhythms and synchronisation across scales", Heidelberg, Germany

Molecular Biomarkers of the Circadian Clock Workshop, Venice, Italia

International Mathematical Biology Workshop (Plenary), Bohol, Philippines

NCTS Workshop on Mathematics of Living Systems, Taipei, Taiwan

Symposium on Biological Physics, Busan, Korea


2023 SMB Annual Meeting (Mini-symposisum), Columbus, USA

2023 Dynamical Systems in Life Science Workshop, Columbus, USA

2023 Korean Sleep Research Soceity Annual Meeting, Seoul, Korea

2023 Philipine Math Society 50th Anniversary Meeting (Pleanary), Manila, Philipine

2023 SIAM LS (Mini-symposisum), Portland, USA

2023 Asian Sleep Research Society, Istanbul, Turkey

2023 KAIST Cognitive Neuroscience Colloquium, Daejeon, Korea

2023 Seoul Nat Univ Math Colloquium, Seoul, Korea

2023 Seoul Nat Univ Bioengineering Seminar, Seoul, Korea

2023 Korean Soceity for Computational Neuroscience Winter School, Korea

2023 e:Med online seminar series, Germany

2022 International Workshop on Non-equilibrium Phenomena in Physics and Biology, Gyuengju, Korea

2022 Global Research Network Seoul, Seoul, Korea (Pleneary Lecture)

2022 Korean Soceity of Sleep Medicine Annual Meeting, Seoul, Korea

2022 KAIST Medical Science Data Clinic Seminar, Daejeon, Korea

2022 Population Approach Group in Korea Annual Meeting, Seoul, Korea

2022 ICTP-KIAS School on Statistical Physics for Life Sciences, Seoul, Korea

2022 Hanyang U Math Colloquium, Seoul, Korea

2022 Global KMS International Conference, Seoul, Korea

2022 International Conference of Systems Biology, Berlin, Germany

2022 KOREAN NEUROPSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION Annual Meeting, Gwangjoo, Seoul (Pleanary)


2022 UNIST Basic Science What & Why?, Ulsan, Korea

2022 NIMS Industrial Math Colloquium, Pangyo, Korea

2022 European Biological Rhythms Society Congress, Zurich, Swiss

2022 Europe-Korea Conference on Science and Technology, Marseille, France

2022 SIAM-LS Meeting (Mini-symposisum), Pitchburgh, USA


2022 KSIAM-NIMS School on Biomathematics, Yoesu, Korea

2022 Korean Society of Mathematial Biology Annual Meeting, Yoesu, Korea

2022 SRBR Biennial Conference, Amelia Island, USA

2022 World Sleep Congress, Rome, Italia

2021 Korean Society of Mathematial Biology Annual Meeting, Jeju, Korea

2021 Phamcast Inc. Seminar, Pusan, Korea

2021 KIAS Awardee Talk, Seoul, Korea

2021 Korea Society of Mathematical Biology Annual Meeting, Jeju, Korea

2021 Dept of Mathematics Seminar, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea

2021 RIKEN Interdisciplinary Theoretical and Mathematical Sciences Program, Online

2021 Korean Society of Sleep Medicine, Seoul, Korea

2021 Samsung STF Annual Forum, Online

2021 Korean Society of Sleep Medicine, Online

2021 Dept of Mathematics Seminar, Pusan National University, Pusan, Korea

2021 Korean Academy of Sleep Medicine (Plenary), Seoul, Korea

2021 Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics Workshop, Gyeongju, Korea

2021 20th Human Frontier Sciences Program Awardees Meeting, Online

2021 KWMS The 16th International Conference (Public Lecture), Online

2021 IBS Center for Cognition and Sociality Semina, Daejeon, Korea

2021 SMB Annual Meeting, SIAM-SMB Special Session, Online

2021 Global Symposium Sleeping Beauty, Amore Pacific Inc., Soeul, Korea

2021 Korean Society for Brain and Neural Sciences Annual Meeting, Songdo, Korea

2021 U of Oxford Mathematical Biology Seminar, Online

2021 Harvad Medical School Analytic and Modeling Unit Journal Club Seminar, Online

2021 Korean Biological Rhythm Society Symposium, Online, Korea

2020 Korean Society of Sleep Medicine Annual Meeting, Seoul, Korea 

2020 Cell Bio ASCB/EMBO meeting, Philadelphia,  USA

2020 Mathematical Biology & Data Science Workshop, Daegu, Korea 

2020 International symposium on mathematical oncology, Osaka, Japan

2020 The Korean Society of Clinical Neurophysiology Fall Meeting (Pleanary), Seoul, Korea

2020 Psychiatry seminar, Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea

2020 Harvard Medical School AMU seminar, Online

2020 Cincinatti U Math Colloquium, Cincinatti, USA

2020 U of Micghian Applied Math Seminar, Ann Arbor, USA

2019 VIASM, Hanoi, Vietnam

2019 ICMMA, Tokyo, Japan

2019 U of Manitoba Biology Seminar, Winnipeg, Canada

2019 U of Manitoba Math Colloquium, Winnipeg, Canada

2019 Chronobiology School, Munich, Germany

2019 Virginia Tech Genetics, Bioinformatics, and Computational Biology Seminar (Oct), Blacksburg, USA

2019 Rice U The Center for Theoretical Biological Physics Seminar, Houston, USA

2019 Houston U Network Seminar, Houston, USA

2019 Rutgers U Quantitative Biology Seminar, New Brunswick, USA

2019 ReaDiNet 2019 Conference, Nancy, France

2019 U of Michigan Biological Rhythms seminar, Ann Arbor, USA

2019 Cincinnati U Applied Math seminar, Cincinnati, USA

2019 U of Michigan Quantitative Biology Seminar, Ann Arbor, USA

2019 Society of Matheamtical Biology Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada

2019 BIRS: Scaling Limits of Dynamical Processes on Random Graph, Oaxaca, Mexico

2019. Chosun U Math Colloquium, Gwangju, Korea

2019 A3 Workshop on Mathematical Life Science, Peking, China

2019 Asan Medical Center Surgery Seminar, Seoul, Korea

2019 The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea International Conference, Seoul, Korea

2019 Global Breast Cancer Conference, Songdo, Korea

2019 KIAS Computational Science Colloquium, Seoul, Korea

2019 International Workshop on Mathematical Biology, Bohol, Philippine

2018 Seoul National U Medical Center Clinical Pharmacology Seminar, Seoul, Korea

2018 Korean Society of Sleep Medicine Annual Meeting, Seoul, Korea

2018 Korea University Mathematics Colloquium, Seoul, Korea

2018 Dankuk U Medical Center Neurology Ground, Chunan, Korea

2018 Precision Medicine Symposium: Transforming Health Care with Emerging Technology and Big Data, Seoul, Korea

2018 KAIST Physics Colloquium, Daejeon, Korea

2018 Asan Medical Center Breast Cancer Seminar, Seoul, Korea

2018 A3 Foresight Program Joint Workshop Mathematics of Biology, Fluid Dynamics and Material Sciences, Gangneung, Korea

2018 KIAS Quantitative Life Science Workshop, Seoul, Korea

2018 Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology Seminar, Daejeon, Korea

2018 Japanese Biochemical Society Meeting, Kyoto, Japan

2018 International Conference of the Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology, Seoul, Korea

2018 Seoul National Medical School Ground Round Special Lecture, Seoul, Korea

2018 Soon Chun Hyang University Hospital, Dept of Neurology Special Lecture, Chunan, Korea

2018 11th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology, Lisbon, Porutugal

2018 BIRS workshop on Math Approaches to Cell-Cell Communication , Banff, Canada

2018 18th World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, Kyoto, Japan

2018 Korean Sleep Research Society Conference, Seoul, Korea

2018 Korea Society of Mathematical Biology Annual Meeting (Public Lecture), Seoul, Korea

2018 KSIAM Spring Conference,Korea-Japan Math Bio Joint Session, Dajeoen, Korea

2018 A3 International Workshop For Mathematical and Life Sciences, Hiroshima, Japan

2018 Society for Research on Biological Rhythms, Synthetic Oscillators: Design Principles Underlying Molecular Clocks, Fernandina Beach, USA

2018 KAOS Public Lecture, Seoul, Korea, Image result for streaming images

2018 Korea Math Society Spring Conference, Seoul, Korea

2018 Department of Biomedical Science and Engineering Seminar, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Gwangju, Korea

2018 Asian Sleep Society Conference, Seoul, Korea

2018 Ehwa Women's Univ Math Colloquium, Seoul, Korea

2018 Cognition, Sleep, Mood and Stress (Plenary), Seoul, Korea

2018 International Workshop on Mathematical Biology, Cebu, Philipine

2017 International SYMCYP workshop, Busan, Korea

2017 Korean society for clinical pharmacology and therapeutics conference, Seoul, Korea

2017 Osaka Univ Biological Sciences Seminar, Osaka, Japan

2017 Asian Pharmacometric Conference, Kyoto, Japan

2017 KoreaBIOplus, Seoul, Korea

2017 International Conference on Mathematical Biology, Taipei, Taiwan

2017 Handong Univ Biology Seminar, Pohang, Korea

2017 Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Daejeon, Korea

2017 IMA Innovative Statistics and Machine Learning in Precision Medicine , Minneapolis, USA

2017 CMC conference: Nonlinear dynamics of many-body systems, Seoul, Korea

2017 18th International Conference on Systems Biology (Plenary) , Blacksburg, USA

2017 4th Industry Revolution Forum of the National Congress, Seoul, Korea

2017 Korean Sleep Research Society Conference, Seoul, Korea

2017 International Conference on Random Dynamical Systems, Wuhan, China

2017 Chungnam University, Pharmacology Seminar, Daejeon, Korea

2017 SIAM Conference on Applied Dynamics, Salt Lake City, USA

2017 A3-NIMS Mathematical Biology Workshop, Daejeon, Korea

2017 The Korean Mathematical Society Spring Meeting Public Lecture, Gwangju, Korea

2017 DIGIST Brain \& Cognitive Science Seminar, Daegu, Korea

2017 Busan University Department of Mathematics Seminar, Busan, Korea

2017 Korea University Medical School Seminar, Seoul, Korea

2017 World Brain Awareness Week Public Lecture, Daejeon, Korea

2017 KAIST Humanity and Social Science Colloquium, Daejeon, Korea

2017 Inje University Medical School Seminar , Busan, Korea

2017 Computational Neuroscience Winter School , Pohang, Korea

2017 Network Seminar, U of Houston , Houston, USA

2016 APCTP Workshop on Frontiers of Physics:Push the Envelope of Statistical Physics: Econo, Social, Bio and Beyond, Pohang, Korea

2016 Biology Seminar, Gyungsang Univ, Jinju, Korea

2016 Mathematics Colloquium, UNIST, Ulsan, Korea

2016 APCTP-ICTP joint workshop: quantitative life sciences, Pohang, Korea

2016 KAIST Brain& Cognitive Engineering Seminar, Daejeon, Korea

2016 29th Conference of the International Society for Chronobiology (ISC), Suzhou, China

2016 International Conference for the 70th Anniversary of Korean Mathematical Society, Seoul, Korea

2016 A3 Pharmacometrics Syposium, Daejeon, Korea

2016 Mathematics Colloquium, Postec, Pohang, Korea

2016 Mathematics Colloquium, Yeonsei Univ, Seoul, Korea

2016 International Conference on Systems Biology, Barcelona, Spain

2016 Signature Seminar, DUKE-NUS Medical school, Singapore

2016 International Conference: Patterns and Waves, Hokkaido, Japan

2016 World Conference of Scientists and Engineers, Seoul, Korea

2016 Korean Soceity for Mathematical Biology Annual Meeting, Jeju, Korea

2016 Biological Sciences Seminar, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea

2016 Mathematics Colloquium, Chungnam Nat Univ, Daejeon, Korea

2016 National Science Museum Public Lecture, Daejeon, Korea

2016 Industrial & Systems Engineering Colloquium, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea

2016 A3 Workshop on Interdisciplinary Research Connecting Mathematics and Biology, Beijing, China

2016 Mathematics Colloquium, Ajou Univ, Suwan, Korea

2016 Mathematics Colloquium, Seoul Nat. Univ, Seoul, Korea

2016 Workshop for Mathematical Biology: Recent Topics and Vision, Jeju, Korea

2016 MBI workshop, Interplay of stochastic and deterministic dynamics, Columbus

2016 Applied Mathematics Seminar, Ohio State Univ, Columubs, OH, USA.

2015 Inverse problem conference, Daejeon, Korea

2015 Young Computational Neuroscience Workshop, Seoul, Korea

2015 Joint workshop of China-Japan-Korea A3 Foresight Program, Xiamen, China

2015 Industrial & Applied Mathematics Seminar, Konkuk Univ, Seoul, Korea

2015 KSIAM Annual Meeting, Pusan, Korea

2015 Bioinfo 2015, Seoul, Korea

2015 Mathematics Colloqium, Inha University, Incheon, Korea

2015 APTCP seminar, Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics, Pohang, Korea

2015 NIMS Colloquim, National Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Daejeon, Korea

2015 Cancer biology seminar, National Cancer Center, Ilsan, Korea

2015 Mathematics Colloquim, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea

2015 Joint Meeting of JSMB and CJK Colloquium on Mathematical Biology, Kyoto, Japan

2015 Lorentz Center workshop: Human Circadian Rhythms: Developing a Multi-Oscillator Framework, Leiden, Netherlands

2015 Soceity of Mathematical Biology Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA

2015 Mathematics Colloquium, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA.

2014 Dynamical Systems Seminar, Boston University, Boston, MT, USA.

2014 Biological Mathematics Seminar, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA.

2014 Mathematics Colloquium, KAIST, Daejon, Korea.

2014 KSIAM Annual Meeting, Jeju, Korea.

2014 Biological Mathematis Seminar, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA.

2014 International Congress of Mathematician, Seoul, Korea.

2014 Mathematics Colloquium, UNIST, Ulsan, Korea.

2014 Applied Mathematics Seminar, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea.

2014 Biological Mathematics Seminar, Konkuk Univ, Seoul, Korea

2014 Mathematics Colloquim (U of Michigan), Ann Arbor, MI, USA

2014 Genetics Bioinformatics Computational Biology Seminar (Virgina Tech), Blacksburg, VA, USA.

2012 Mathematical Physics Seminar, New Brunswick, NJ, USA.

2012 Complex Systems Advanced Academic Workshop, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.

2012 RIKEN QBiC Seminar, Kobe, Japan.

Essay, book, interview, public lecture, and TV program introducing math biology

복잡한 생명 현상을 이해하는 21세기 현미경, 수학 (Essay)

수리생물학 : 수학과 생물학의 아름다운 만남! (Essay)

생명현상의 퍼즐을 푸는 수학, 수리생물학! (Essay)

수리생물학(Mathematical Biology) (Essay)

일주기 리듬, 수학자의 오답 노트 (Essay)

Circadian Rhythms, Matheamtician's Error Note (Essay)

복잡한 것 단순하게 바라보기 (Essay)

수학이 생명에 필요한 순간 (Essay)

모든 것의 수다 (Book)

2018 봄 카오스 강연 수리생물학: 수학과 생물학의 만남 (Public Lecture)

생물학에 시간의 개념을 도입하다 (Interview)

[Find Math 2] 생명과학과 수학 / YTN 사이언스 (TV program)

수학, 인체의 비밀을 풀다 - 김재경 수리생물학자 [브라보 K-사이언티스트]/ YTN 사이언스 (TV program)

논리의 결정체, '수학'으로 '생물'을 연구한다는 것은 무엇을 의미하는걸까?/과학쿠키 (Youtube)

시즌 4 1화 60년 묵은 생물학 난제를 수학으로 풀어버리다/과학으로 장난치는 게 창피해? 과장창! (Podcast)

TBS 인싸랑 (Youtube)

KBS 과학으로 보는 세상 SEE- 몸 안의 자명종 생체시계 (TV program)

YTN 100회 특집 브라보 K-사이언티스트 (TV program)

안될과학, 무늬, 뉴런의 전기신호 수학으로 표현한다? '수리생물학'이란 무엇인가? (Youtube)

안될과학, 미분적분이 우리 삶을 바꾼다?! 백신접종, 심장수술, 항암치료 오전/오후 언제가 좋을까? 수학적 해석 (Youtube)

안될과학, 덜 피곤한 수면 방법이 있다? 생체 시계와 수면! 그리고 수학의 쓸모 (Youtube)

보다, 수학자가 숙면에 진심이면 벌어지는 일 (Youtube)

보다, 인류의 미래가 수학에 달려있는 이유(죽음의 알고리즘..) (Youtube)

수학이 생명의 언어라면 (Book)