Posts Tagged ‘김린기’

Ringi Kim (김린기), Characterization of forbidden subgraphs for bounded star-chromatic number

Friday, March 2nd, 2018
Characterization of forbidden subgraphs for bounded star-chromatic number
Ringi Kim (김린기)
Department of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST
2018/3/6 Tue 5PM
The chromatic number of a graph is the minimum k such that the graph has a proper k-coloring. It is known that if T is a tree, then every graph with large chromatic number contains T as a subgraph. In this talk, we discuss this phenomena for star-coloring (a proper coloring forbidding a bicolored path on four vertices) and acyclic-coloring (a proper coloring forbidding bicolored cycles). Specifically, we will characterize all graphs T such that every graph with sufficiently large star-chromatic number (acyclic-chromatic number) contains T as a subgraph.

Ringi Kim (김린기), Unavoidable subtournaments in tournaments with large chromatic number

Friday, September 2nd, 2016
Unavoidable subtournaments in tournaments with large chromatic number
Ringi Kim (김린기)
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
2016/9/9 Fri 4PM-5PM
For a tournament T, the chromatic number of T is the minimum number of transitive sets with union V(T). We say a set ? of tournaments is heroic if there exists c such that every tournament excluding all members of ? has chromatic number at most c. Berger et al. explicitly characterized all heroic sets of size one. In this talk, we study heroic sets of size two. This is a joint work with Maria Chudnovsky, Ilhee Kim, and Paul Seymour.