About me
- Associate Professor in Dept. of Math Sciences, KAIST
- Chief Investigator in Biomedical Mathematics Group, IBS
- Member of Young Korean Academy of Science and Technology
- Member of KOFST Future Generation Committee
- B.S. from Seoul National University
- Ph. D. from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Advisor: Daniel Forger & Victoria Booth
- Postdoctoral fellow from Mathematical Biosciences Institute at the Ohio State University
Mathematical Research Interests
- Dynamical systems: oscillations, coupled oscillators, and global stability analysis.
- Inverse problems: existence and uniqueness of ODEs for given timecourses.
- Stochastic process: multi-timescale stochastic systems analysis and simulations.
- Bayesian inference: Bayesian inference for non-Markovian and Markovian systems
- Parameter estimation of ODEs
Biological Research Interests
- Biological oscillators: circadian rhythms, p53 oscillation, synthetic oscillator, sleep-wake cycle
- Systems pharmacology: the effect of CK1𝛿/ɛ inhibitor PF-670462 on circadian phase.
- Cancer: cancer immunotherapy, cancer chronotherapy
- Pharmacokinetics: estimation of drug metabolism kinetics
- Single cell sequencing data analysis
- 2024. 12. I did an interview with Seoul Newspaper
- 2024. 12. I received the award for the most presentations over the past 10 years at the KSIAM 20th Anniversary Conference.
- 2024. 11. I become an Adjunct Professor of Medical School, Korea University.
- 2024. 11. Yumin Song did a successful defense for Ph.D.
- 2024. 11. I was in a Korea TV show, YouQuiz
- 2024. 10. I was in Yutube Understanding (이놈의 수학 정말 배워야 할까요?)
- 2024. 10. I had an interview with BRIC (브만사)
- 2024. 9. I was in Science Youtube BODA (보다, 수학자가 숙면에 진심이면 벌어지는 일, 보다, 인류의 미래가 수학에 달려있는 이유(죽음의 알고리즘..)
- 2024. 8. I publish a book introducing mathematical biology to public "수학이 생명의 언어라면"
- 2024. 6. I gave a plenary lecture at SMB Annual Meeting.
- 2024. 6. I became Chief Editor of Current Opinions on Systems Biology.
- 2024. 6. I orgnized the KSMB-SMB Satellite Workshop: Tutorials for Recent Advances in Methods of Biomedical Mathematics.
- 2024. 5. Our research has been introduced at KAISTory.
- 2024. 5. Our research has been introduced at Samsung News.
- 2024. 4. We participated in the KAIST booth at the 2024 Korea Science Festival.
- 2024. 3. Our visiting scholar, Jonathan Rubin, becomes the chair of a SIAM DS.
- 2024. 3. I appeared on SLEEP Dr. Shin Won-chul’s Sweet Sleep Tube.
- 2024. 3. Dr Dae Wook Kim and Dr. Hyeontae Jo have been appointed as professors in the Department of Mathematics at Sogang University and Sejong Campus, Korea University, respectively. Congratulations!
- 2024. 3. Welcome our new postdoctoral fellow, Gyuyoung Hwang
- 2024. 3. I had an interview with Society for Mathematical Biology
- 2024.2. Welcome our new member, Lucas MacQuarrie!
- 2024.1. Dr. Hyeontae Jo has been awarded the IBS Outstanding Researcher Award. Congrat!
- 2023. 12. Our AI algorithm detecting sleep disorders, SLEEPS has been launched!
- 2023. 12. We organized Population Approach Group in Korea (PAGK) annual meeting in IBS
- 2023. 11. Brenda Lyn Gavina joins our lab as a postdoctoral fellow.
- 2023. 11. We organized HFSP Awardee’s symposiuma in IBS.
- 2023. 11. I received the Citation from the Minster Ministry of Science and ICT.
- 2023. 10. JTBC News introduced our new mobile application for improved sleep patterns and an innovative AI algorithm for detecting sleep disorders
- 2023. 10. I joined the editorial board of “Journal of Theoretical Biology”
- 2023. 10. Our AI Algorithm for Predicting Sleep Disorder Risk Receives Prestigious Innovation Award from MEDITEK!
- 2023. 9. Kwang-Yeon Choi (Prof. CNU Medical School) will stay at our lab during his sabbatical.
- 2023. 9. Jonathan Rubin (Prof. U Pitt) will stay at our lab during his sabbatical.
- 2023. 9. Hyukpyo Hong became 3rd Ph.D student and began Van Vleck Assistant Prof at the U of Wisconsin-Madison.
- 2023. 8. I organized ICIAM 2023 Satellite Workshop: Stochastic Modeling and Data Analysis for Biological Systems
- 2023. 8. Our work about efficient sleep-wake patterns for shift-workers was covered at several Korean news!
- 2023. 7. Our work about causal inference was introduced at several Korean news!
- 2023. 7. I had an interview with Business Josun
- 2023. 7. I joined the nomination committee of SIAM DS
- 2023. 6. I joined as an editorial board member of Nature Publishing Journal Systems Biology J.
- 223. 6. I gave a plenary lecture at the conference celebrating 50th anniversary of Math Society of the Philippines
- 2023. 5. I joined as an organizer of SIAM LS 2024.
- 2023. 4. Our work is selected as a cover article of Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics
- 2023. 4. My story was covered at Math Donga Megazine
- 2023. 3. I gave a public talk at the opening ceremony of Busan Mathematics Culture Museum
- 2023. 2. Our research about non-Markovian system inference was introduced at SIAN news
- 2023. 2. I introduced mathematical biology in Science show, "Unreal Science"
- 2023. 2. I joined as an editorial board member of Mathematical Biosciences, the first mathematical biology journal
- 2023. 2. Our research about chronotherapy for cancer has been introduced in the several news
- 2023. 1. I wrote a contribution for newspaper '수학이 생명에 필요한 순간'
- 2023. 1. Our research about correcting FDA equation has been covered in the several news
- 2022. 12. Dae Wook Kim won the S-oil best thesis award , which is given to the best thesis for mathematics
- 2022. 12. I joined as an editorial board member of Current Opinion in Systems Biology
- 2022. 12. I gave a plenary talk at Global research network Seoul
- 2022. 10. I gave a plenary talk at KOREAN NEUROPSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION Annual Meeting
- 2022. 10. I gave a public lecture for "Sky in October"
- 2022. 10. Eui Min Jeong got the Molecular Systems Biology Poster Prize from International Systems Biology Conference, bestowed to only one person among nearly 200 presenters!
- 2022. 9. I introduced how math can be used for biomedical problems at Korean TV program
- 2022. 8. Seho Park Receives the Grand Prix from the 2022 Long-Term URP Program Workshop. Congratulation!
- 2022. 7. I organized KSMCB Symposium for Biological Rhythms at IBS
- 2022. 6. I organized KSIAM-NIMS School on Biomathematics "Statistical Tools for Mathematical Modeling"
- 2022. 5. Dae Wook Kim got the Best Dissertation Award from Korean Math Society. Congrat!
- 2022. 5. I organzied KSIAM conference at IBS
- 2022. 3. Our study about the source of cell-to-cell heterogenity in signaling response was published in Science Advances and covered in several news
- 2022. 3. I had an interview with SBS news about the future of COVID 19
- 2022. 3. Seokmin Ha Receives the Grand Prix from the 2021 Long-Term URP Program Workshop. Congratulation!
- 2022. 2. Our study about how circadian rhythms can be flexible and robust was published in PNAS and covered in several news
- 2022. 1. Our study about the future of COVID 19 was covered in several news.
- 2021. 12. I got Choi Seok-jeong award in this year named after Choi, Seok-jeong who was a Korean mathematican introducing magic square for the first time.
- 2021. 11. I participated in a TV show ‘Science Education Entertainment (과학으로 보는 세상 See)’
- 2021. 10. I organized a workshop on an interdisciplinary approach to sleep disorders (Sleep Tree) at Yeosu
- 2021. 10. Our research about personalized sleep-wake patterns reducing daytime sleepiness of shift workers was introduced at several news.
- 2021. 10. I had an interview with Weekly Josun
- 2021. 9. My first Ph. D. student Dae Wook Kim became the Van Loo Assistant Professor at U of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
- 2021. 6. Dae Wook Kim received the KSIAM Young Researcher Paper Award. Congratulation!
- 2021. 6. Seokjoo Chae and Yun Min Song were awarded poster presentation prizes at the Society of Mathematical Biology Annual Meeting. Congratulation!
- 2021. 6. I organized the Society of Mathematical Biology Annual Meeting.
- 2021. 5. I participated in the first episode in season 4 of a podcast ‘Gwa Jang Chang (과장창!)’
- 2021. 3. I launched the Biomedical Mathematics Group, IBS, the first mathematical biology research center in Korea.
- 2021. 2. Our research about molecular mechanissm for robust circadian rhythms was published in PNAS and selected as Editor's choice of Sci Trans Med
- 2021. 2. I participated in Korean Science Yutube, '과학 쿠키'
- 2020. 10. I gave a plenary talk at The Korean Society of Clinical Neurophysiology Fall Meeting
- 2020. 10. I participated in a Korean Science Documentary program.
- 2019. 7-2020. 8 I became an visiting professor, Dept of Mathematics, U of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- 2020. 5. I organized the MBI Workshop on Mathematical and Computational Methods in Biology, Columbus, USA
- 2019. 12. I became the Editorial Board member of J Biogical Rhythms
- 2019. 12. I became the member of Y-KAST
- 2019. 12. Our research about drought resposne of plant was published in Plant cell and covered in several news
- 2019. 10. Our research about synthetic oscillator was published in Nature Chem Biol and covered in several news
- 2019. 10. I got a research grant from Samsung Science & Technology Foundation
- 2019. 9. Hyukpyo Hong is chosen for Global PhD Fellowship 2019 by the National Research Foundation of Korea
- 2019. 9. I received the best teaching award from KAIST
- 2019. 7. Our collaborative work with Pfizer was published as a cover article at Mol Syst Biol.
- 2019. 7. I wrote a book '모든 것이 수다'
- 2019. 7. I organized International Conference on Systems Biology, Okinawa, Japan
- 2019. 5. I received J. Shelton Horsley Research Award from the Virginia Academy of Science
- 2019. 5. I organized A3 Workshop on Mathematical Life Science, Pecking, China
- 2018. 12. I got Yonam International Collaborative Research Professorship from LG Yonam Foundation
- 2018. 9. I became an Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST
- 2018. 8. I became an Associate member of Korea Institute for Advanced Study
- 2018. 7. I became the Editorial Board member of PLOS ONE
- 2018. 5. I gave a public lecture for KAOS
- 2018. 5. I organized A3 International Workshop For Mathematical and Life Sciences, Hiroshima, Japan
- 2018. 5. I organized KSIAM Spring Conference
- 2017. 11. I received the Young Researcher of the Year Award from KSIAM
- 2017. 10. Seokjoo Chae receives POSCO TJ Park Science Fellowship Award
- 2017. 9. I received the best teaching award from KAIST
- 2017. 8. Daewook Kim Receives the 2017 Global Ph.D. Fellowships from the Korean Government
- 2017. 5. I organized A3-NIMS Joint Workshop on Interdisciplinary Research Connecting Mathematics and Biology, Daejeon, Korea
- 2017. 3. I became an Ewon Assistant Professor, KAIST
- 2017. 3. I received the 2017 Human Frontier Science Program Award, which is known as the Novel Prize funding
- 2016 11. I was selected as 30 Young Leading Scientists of Korea
- 2016. 10 Our research about molecular connection between the circadian clock and cancer was published in PNAS and covered in serveal news
- 2016. 8. I received a research grant from Pfizer. Inc.
- 2016. 4. I organized A3 Workshop on Interdisciplinary Research Connecting Mathematics and Biology, Peking, China
- 2016. 3. I received the Korea National Research Foundation Young Investigator Grant.
- 2015. 11. I got Sangsan Young Mathematician Award from the Korea Mathematical Society
- 2015. 10. Our research about temperature compensation of circadian clock was published in Molecular Cell and covered in several news
- 2015. 9. I became Chungam Science Fellow, TJ Park Science Foundation
- 2015. 8. Our research about synthetic oscillator was published at Science and covered in several news
- 2015. 5. I became an Assistant professor, Dept of Math Sciences, KAIST
- 2013. 10. I got the Sumner B. Myers Prize for the best math Ph.D. thesis from U of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- 2013. 9. I became a postdoctoral fellow of Mathematical Biosciences Institute, The Ohio State U
- 2013. 7. I published the paper based on collaboration with Prizer at CPT:PSP
- 2012. 12. I published 1st math biology paper at Mol Syst Biol.
- 2012. 9. I got the Outstanding Teaching Award from Dept. of Mathematics, U of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- 2012. 7. I published 1st math paper at SIAM Applied Math
- 2010. 12. I got Rachkam International Student Fellowship from U of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- 2010. 9. I became a student of Daniel Forger.
- 2008. 9. I passed the Ph.D. Qualifying Exam
- 2008. 9. I became a graduate student, Dept. of Mathematics, U of Michigan, Ann Arbor