Posts Tagged ‘VanVu’

Van Vu, Combinatorial problems in random matrix theory

Saturday, December 19th, 2009
Combinatorial problems in random matrix theory
Van H. Vu
Dept. of Mathematics, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA
2009/12/21 Mon, 3PM-4PM (E6-1, Room 2412)

I am going to give a survey on several basic problems of combinatorial nature concerning random Bernoulli matrices, including:

(1) The singularity problem: What is the probability that a random Bernoulli matrix is singular?

(2) The determinant problem: What is the typical value of the determinant?

(3) The permanent problem: What is the typical value of the permanent?

(4) The eigenvector problem: How does a typical eigenvector look like?

If time allows, I will discuss connections to other areas of mathematics, most importantly additive combinatorics.