Posts Tagged ‘AntoineVigneron’

Antoine Vigneron, Reachability in a Planar Subdivision with Direction Constraints

Saturday, March 3rd, 2018
Reachability in a Planar Subdivision with Direction Constraints
Antoine Vigneron
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UNIST, Ulsan, South Korea
2018/3/27 Tue 5PM
Given a planar subdivision with n vertices, each face having a cone of possible directions of travel, our goal is to decide which vertices of the subdivision can be reached from a given starting point s. We give an O(n log n)-time algorithm for this problem, as well as an Ω(n log n) lower bound in the algebraic computation tree model. We prove that the generalization where two cones of directions per face are allowed is NP-hard.

Antoine Vigneron, A conditional lower bound for computing the Gromov hyperbolicity of a discrete metric space

Tuesday, February 25th, 2014
A conditional lower bound for computing the Gromov hyperbolicity of a discrete metric space
Antoine Vigneron
KAUST, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
2014/03/31 Monday 4PM-5PM
Room 1409
We show that the Gromov hyperbolicity of a discrete metric space at a fixed base-point cannot be computed in O(n2.05) time, unless there exists a faster algorithm for (max,min) matrix multiplication algorithm than is currently known.