Date : 2009. 2. 4 - 2009. 2. 5
Place : E6-1 #1409

February 4, Wednesday

14:00 - 14:45
Speaker : Philippe Nadeau
Title : Well labeled paths and the volume of a polytope
15:00 - 15:45
Speaker : Suyoung Choi
Title : Cohomological rigidity of simple polytopes with few facets
16:00 - 16:45
Speaker : Philippe Nadeau
Title : The structure of alternative tableaux
17:00 - 17:45
Speaker : Sang-il Oum
Title : Maximum number of complete subgraphs in a certain graph

February 5, Thursday

10:00 - 10:45
Speaker : Dan Drake
Title : A bijection between Schroeder paths and weighted Dyck paths
11:00 - 11:45
Speaker : Hyeong-Kwan Ju
Title : Enumeration of 0/1-matrices avoiding certain types of 2 × 2 minors
14:00 - 14:45
Speaker : Seunghyun Seo
Title : Threshold Arrangements
15:00 - 15:45
Speaker : Philippe Nadeau
Title : Growth function of a class of monoids

댓글 0

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
324 Discrete Math Seminar (김석진, 건국대, 16:00) 상일 2009.02.24 2565
323 응용수학 세미나(수4:30, 이영수박사) 과사무실 2009.02.23 1408
322 2009 봄학기 콜로퀴움(Paul Seymour교수, 2009.5.21(목), 16:30) 과사무실 2009.02.23 953
321 2009 봄학기 콜로퀴움(John McCleary교수,2009.3.12(목),16:30) 과사무실 2009.02.23 878
320 학부생 콜로퀴움(임미경교수, 17:30) 상일 2009.02.21 2429
319 ASARC 세미나(김병두, Victoria U. of Wellington, 16:00) 과사무실 2009.02.20 1886
318 2009 봄학기 콜로퀴움(김정한소장, 2009.2.19(목), 16:30) 과사무실 2009.02.17 1638
317 2009 봄학기 콜로퀴움(조광현교수, 2009.4.30(목), 16:30) 과사무실 2009.02.17 1027
316 2009 봄학기 콜로퀴움(김미영교수, 2009.4.23(목), 16:30) 과사무실 2009.02.17 1749
315 2009 봄학기 콜로퀴움(성재영교수, 2009.4.16(목), 16:30) 과사무실 2009.02.17 1568
314 2009 봄학기 콜로퀴움(Tim Myers교수, 2009.3.19(목), 16:30) 과사무실 2009.02.17 1012
313 2009 봄학기 콜로퀴움(Ted Chinburg교수,2009.3.3(화),16:30) 과사무실 2009.02.17 1027
312 응용수학 세미나(수4:30, 김정애박사) 과사무실 2009.02.16 1319
311 Seminar(Dr.Dan Zaffran,Fudan University,2009.2.19,13:00) 과사무실 2009.02.16 1196
310 Seminar(Dr.Dan Zaffran,Fudan University,2009.2.20,16:00) 과사무실 2009.02.13 1488
309 세미나(Harry Zheng 교수[Imperial College London], 2009.2.13,15:00 과사무실 2009.02.11 1148
308 세미나(Harry Zheng 교수[Imperial College London], 2009.2.11,15:00 과사무실 2009.02.11 1131
» KAIST COMBINATORICS SEMINAR(2009.2.4-2.5,E6-1#1409) file 과사무실 2009.02.03 1883
306 세미나(Andreas Holmsen박사,2009.2.5(목),16:00) 과사무실 2009.01.30 1186
305 세미나(Harry Zheng 교수[Imperial College London], 2009.2.12,16:00 과사무실 2009.01.22 1130