***** KAIST Discete Math Semianr *****

DATE: January 7th, *Wednesday*


PLACE: E6-1, ROOM 1409

SPEAKER: Sergey Norin, Princeton University, Princeton, USA

TITLE:  A Divisors on graphs

Finite graphs can be viewed, in many respects, as discrete analogues
of algebraic curves. In this talk, we consider this analogy in the
context of linear equivalence of divisors on a graph. We will state a
graph-theoretic version of the Riemann-Roch theorem, and outline its
proof. Additionally, we will discuss harmonic morphisms between graphs
and connections of our results to tropical geometry. This is joint
work with Matt Baker.
Informations on future talks can be found at :

Please email to sangil (at) kaist.edu if you wish to receive this
announcements in the future by email.

일시 : 2009/1/7 15:00~16:00

댓글 0

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
304 ASARC 정기세미나(우영호, KIAS, 11:00) 과사무실 2009.01.14 1939
303 ASARC 정기세미나(우영호, KIAS, 15:00) 과사무실 2009.01.14 1089
302 Seminar(SuhHyun Choi, Harvard University, 15:00) 과사무실 2009.01.12 2657
301 Graduate Student Seminar in ASARC (1월 19일 (월) 오후 2:30) 과사무실 2009.01.09 1024
300 세미나 (Masanori Asakura 교수[호카이도 대학교]), 2009.01.13(화), 13:30 Jinhyun Park 2009.01.05 1352
299 세미나 (Masanori Asakura 교수[호카이도 대학교]), 2009.01.12(월), 13:30 Jinhyun Park 2009.01.05 1201
298 ASARC Intensive Lectures (Yi Ouyang, U. Sci.& Tech. 15:00) 과사무실 2008.12.26 1438
» Discrete Math Seminar (Sergey Norin, Princeton Univ., 15:00) 상일 2008.12.25 1608
296 응용수학 세미나(Deng Li[University of Kentucky],(화) 오후4:30) 과사무실 2008.12.15 1301
295 응용수학 세미나(Craig C. Douglas[University of Wyoming],(화)오후3:30) 과사무실 2008.12.15 1077
294 ASARC 정기세미나(우영호, KIAS, 14:30) 과사무실 2008.12.12 1218
293 ASARC 정기세미나(장준명, KIAS, 16:00) 과사무실 2008.12.12 2867
292 ASARC 정기세미나(우영호, KIAS, 14:30) 과사무실 2008.12.12 1422
291 Discrete Math Seminar (김장수, KAIST, 17:30) 상일 2008.12.05 1144
290 ASARC Intensive Lectures (선해상, KIAS, 13:00) 과사무실 2008.12.04 2374
289 Graduate Student Seminar in ASARC(12월 9일 (화) 오후 4:00) 과사무실 2008.12.04 992
288 ASARC 정기세미나(이동일, KIAS, 16:30) 과사무실 2008.12.02 1476
287 학부콜로퀴움(강완모교수-2008.12.9(화),17:30) 과사무실 2008.12.02 1340
286 응용수학 세미나(금.4:30,변재형포항공대교수) 과사무실 2008.12.01 2629
285 ASARC 정기세미나 (김지영, KIAS, 16:30) 과사무실 2008.12.01 1579