ASARC 정기세미나(이동일, KIAS, 16:30)

과사무실 2008.12.02 17:42 조회 수 : 1476

제목 : Free resolutions for representations
연사 : Dong-il Lee (이동일) 박사
소속 : KIAS
날짜 : 12월 10일  수요일  (16:30~17:30)
장소 : ASARC 세미나실 (#1409)
초록 :The purpose of this talk is to introduce and generalize the notion of
Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity for representations of noncommutative algebras,
effectively establishing a measure of complexity for such objects. We study how to
compute free resolutions of modules over a noncommutative algebra.
The Groebner-Shirshov basis theory plays a crucial role in computing syzygies.
The uniqueness of minimal graded free resolutions can be readily established, from
which the notion of projective dimension and regularity for graded modules follows. Some interesting examples are included in which graded free resolutions and
regularities are computed for representations of various algebras.! In particular, using the Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand resolutions for integrable highest weight modules
over Kac-Moody algebras, we compute the projective dimensions and regularities
explicitly for the cases of finite and affine types.
  This research is jointly worked with Professor Seok-Jin Kang, Professor Hyungju
Park and graduate student Euiyong Park.

댓글 0

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
304 ASARC 정기세미나(우영호, KIAS, 11:00) 과사무실 2009.01.14 1939
303 ASARC 정기세미나(우영호, KIAS, 15:00) 과사무실 2009.01.14 1089
302 Seminar(SuhHyun Choi, Harvard University, 15:00) 과사무실 2009.01.12 2650
301 Graduate Student Seminar in ASARC (1월 19일 (월) 오후 2:30) 과사무실 2009.01.09 1024
300 세미나 (Masanori Asakura 교수[호카이도 대학교]), 2009.01.13(화), 13:30 Jinhyun Park 2009.01.05 1352
299 세미나 (Masanori Asakura 교수[호카이도 대학교]), 2009.01.12(월), 13:30 Jinhyun Park 2009.01.05 1201
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297 Discrete Math Seminar (Sergey Norin, Princeton Univ., 15:00) 상일 2008.12.25 1608
296 응용수학 세미나(Deng Li[University of Kentucky],(화) 오후4:30) 과사무실 2008.12.15 1301
295 응용수학 세미나(Craig C. Douglas[University of Wyoming],(화)오후3:30) 과사무실 2008.12.15 1077
294 ASARC 정기세미나(우영호, KIAS, 14:30) 과사무실 2008.12.12 1218
293 ASARC 정기세미나(장준명, KIAS, 16:00) 과사무실 2008.12.12 2864
292 ASARC 정기세미나(우영호, KIAS, 14:30) 과사무실 2008.12.12 1422
291 Discrete Math Seminar (김장수, KAIST, 17:30) 상일 2008.12.05 1144
290 ASARC Intensive Lectures (선해상, KIAS, 13:00) 과사무실 2008.12.04 2374
289 Graduate Student Seminar in ASARC(12월 9일 (화) 오후 4:00) 과사무실 2008.12.04 992
» ASARC 정기세미나(이동일, KIAS, 16:30) 과사무실 2008.12.02 1476
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286 응용수학 세미나(금.4:30,변재형포항공대교수) 과사무실 2008.12.01 2624
285 ASARC 정기세미나 (김지영, KIAS, 16:30) 과사무실 2008.12.01 1579