<응용수학 세미나>

일시: 2008. 12.  16(화), 오후 4:30
장소 : 산업경영동 3층 세미나실 (3221호)
제목: Application for a novel Perturbation Expansion Method
       for Coupled Eigenvalue Problem between Acoustic-field & Structure
연사: Deng Li
        (University of Kentucky, Departments of Computer Sciences)

Abstract : This talk describes a numerical procedure that is useful in trying to reduce noise in
moving vehicles. The method applies to general domains and realistic
examples that are useful to the automotive industry. A finite element
procedure for an acoustic field in a structure is used to produce and
analyze a nonstandard coupled eigen-pair problem. The method is shown
to be less expensive to set up and use than the method used in the
commercial code NASTRAN by using a standard symmetric acoustic field
and structure for (the decoupled system) eigen-pair respectively.
Numerical examples demonstrate both the adequacy of this methodology
and its useful numerical features.

댓글 0

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
304 ASARC 정기세미나(우영호, KIAS, 11:00) 과사무실 2009.01.14 1939
303 ASARC 정기세미나(우영호, KIAS, 15:00) 과사무실 2009.01.14 1089
302 Seminar(SuhHyun Choi, Harvard University, 15:00) 과사무실 2009.01.12 2657
301 Graduate Student Seminar in ASARC (1월 19일 (월) 오후 2:30) 과사무실 2009.01.09 1024
300 세미나 (Masanori Asakura 교수[호카이도 대학교]), 2009.01.13(화), 13:30 Jinhyun Park 2009.01.05 1352
299 세미나 (Masanori Asakura 교수[호카이도 대학교]), 2009.01.12(월), 13:30 Jinhyun Park 2009.01.05 1201
298 ASARC Intensive Lectures (Yi Ouyang, U. Sci.& Tech. 15:00) 과사무실 2008.12.26 1438
297 Discrete Math Seminar (Sergey Norin, Princeton Univ., 15:00) 상일 2008.12.25 1608
» 응용수학 세미나(Deng Li[University of Kentucky],(화) 오후4:30) 과사무실 2008.12.15 1301
295 응용수학 세미나(Craig C. Douglas[University of Wyoming],(화)오후3:30) 과사무실 2008.12.15 1077
294 ASARC 정기세미나(우영호, KIAS, 14:30) 과사무실 2008.12.12 1218
293 ASARC 정기세미나(장준명, KIAS, 16:00) 과사무실 2008.12.12 2867
292 ASARC 정기세미나(우영호, KIAS, 14:30) 과사무실 2008.12.12 1422
291 Discrete Math Seminar (김장수, KAIST, 17:30) 상일 2008.12.05 1144
290 ASARC Intensive Lectures (선해상, KIAS, 13:00) 과사무실 2008.12.04 2374
289 Graduate Student Seminar in ASARC(12월 9일 (화) 오후 4:00) 과사무실 2008.12.04 992
288 ASARC 정기세미나(이동일, KIAS, 16:30) 과사무실 2008.12.02 1476
287 학부콜로퀴움(강완모교수-2008.12.9(화),17:30) 과사무실 2008.12.02 1340
286 응용수학 세미나(금.4:30,변재형포항공대교수) 과사무실 2008.12.01 2629
285 ASARC 정기세미나 (김지영, KIAS, 16:30) 과사무실 2008.12.01 1579