Selected Articles |
Prime knots whose arc index is smaller than the crossing number
(JKTR 21/10(2012), 1250103
, arXiv:1106.2723)
Quadrisecant approximation of hexagonal trefoil knot
(JKTR 20/12(2011), 1685-1693
, arXiv:1010.2926)
A tabulation of prime knots up to arc index 11
(JKTR 20/11(2011), 1537-1635, arXiv:1010.2916)
Prime knots with arc index up to 11 and an upper bound of arc index for non-alternating knots
(JKTR 19/12(2010), 1655-1672, arXiv:1010.3005)
Prime knots with arc index up to 10
(Knots and Everything, vol.40, 65-74, 2006, pdf)
Quadrisecants of knots with small crossing number
(Knots and Everything, vol.36, 507-523, 2005, pdf)
An elementary set for theta-n curve projections
(JKTR 11/8(2002), 1243-1250, pdf)
Planar Laces
(JKTR, 11/5(2002), 797-813, pdf)
Theta-curve polynomials and finite-type invariants
(JKTR 11/4(2002), 555-564, arXiv:math/0104179)
Coefficients of HOMFLY polynomial and Kauffman polynomial
are not finite type invariants
(JKTR 11/4(2002), 545-553, pdf)
A computation of superbridge index of knots
(JKTR 11/3(2002), 461-473, pdf)
Strongly almost trivial theta curves
(JKTR 11/2(2002), 153-164, pdf)
There are only finitely many 3-superbridge knots
(JKTR 10/2(2001), 331-343, arXiv:math/9902082)
Superbridge index of knots
(Kobe J. Math., 18/2(2001), 181-197, pdf)
Laces: A generalisation of braids
(Osaka J. Math., 38/2(2001), 251-269, pdf)
Superbridge index of composite knots
(JKTR 9/5(2000), 669-682, arXiv:math/0001090)
Polygon Indices and Superbridge Indices of Torus Knots and Links
(JKTR 6/2(1997), 281-289)