Speaker : Nam-Gyu Kang (California Institute of Technology)
Date : 2008. 9. 5(FRI) 15:00-16:00
Place : E6-1 #1409
Title: Coulomb gas formalism and SLE
Abstract: I present an elementary introduction to conformal field theory
in the context of probability theory and potential theory. I also describe
relations between various fields in the conformal field theory and SLE
martingale-observables in terms of formal projections (through the
conditional expectations with respect to SLE filtration). I present results on analytic properties of some of these martingale-observables. I derive several operator product expansions involving the stress-energy tensor in SLE. This is joint work with Nikolai Makarov.

댓글 0

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
264 가을학기 콜로퀴움(계승혁 교수[서울대학교]),2008.10.9(목),16:00) 과사무실 2008.10.01 1420
263 가을학기 콜로퀴움(Dr. Jinsung Yoo[FSA&market risk manager]) 과사무실 2008.10.01 1119
262 제2회 학부생 콜로퀴움 (9/30화요일) 과사무실 2008.09.26 1087
261 ASARC 정기세미나 (박부성, KIAS, 16:30) 과사무실 2008.09.26 2408
260 BK21 Seminar(Mikyoung Lim ,2008.9.30(Tue),11:00) 과사무실 2008.09.24 1170
259 가을학기 콜로퀴움(강현배 교수[인하대학교]),2008.9.26(금),16:00) 과사무실 2008.09.17 1218
258 가을학기 콜로퀴움(Professor Mamoru Mimura[KAIST],2008.9.19(금),16:00) 과사무실 2008.09.17 1403
257 ASARC 정기세미나(김세윤, ASARC, 14:30) 과사무실 2008.09.11 4226
256 제4회Face the World with mathematical mind(최재혁 박사,골드만삭스,17:30) 상일 2008.09.11 4462
255 2008 가을학기 제1회 수리과학과 학부생 콜로퀴움(2008.9.11(목),17:30) 과사무실 2008.09.08 1164
254 BK21 Seminar(Jaehyuk Choi ,2008.9.19(Fri),11:00) 과사무실 2008.09.08 2047
253 계산수학 세미나,임숙경 교수(2008.9.2(화) 16:30) 과사무실 2008.08.29 2906
252 Discrete Math Seminar (권영수, 영남대, 17:00) 상일 2008.08.28 2210
251 Discrete Math Seminar (Andreas Holmsen, KAIST, 15:00) 상일 2008.08.28 1790
250 Discrete Math Seminar (Thomas Lam, Harvard Univ., 17:30) 상일 2008.08.28 1302
249 Combinatorics Seminar I(2008.9.8(Mon),17:00) 과사무실 2008.08.27 1101
» BK21 SeminarIII(Nam-Gyu Kang,2008.9.5(FRI),15:00) 과사무실 2008.08.25 7019
247 Bk21 Seminar II(Nam-Gyu Kang,2008.9.4(Thu),17:20) 과사무실 2008.08.25 1094
246 BK21 Seminar I(Nam-Gyu Kang,2008.9.3(WED),15:00) 과사무실 2008.08.25 1290
245 ASARC-Conference on Transformation Group Theory 과사무실 2008.08.19 1202