[Notice] 4th KMGS on Mar. 24(Thu), 2022

The 4th KMGS will be held on March 24th, Thursday, via Zoom and Gather Town.
We invite two speakers Jeong-Seop Kim from Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST and IBS Center for Complex Geometry (CCG), and Jaehyeon Seo from Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST.
The abstracts of two talks are as follows.

1st slot (PM 12:00~12:20)
[Speaker] Jeong-Seop Kim (김정섭) from Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST and IBS Center for Complex Geometry (CCG), supervised by Prof. Yongnam Lee (이용남 교수님)
[Title] Curves on ruled surfaces
[Discipline] Algebraic Geometry
A ruled surface is a fibration over a smooth curve with fibers being isomorphic to the projective line. If a ruled surface is assumed to not have any section with negative self-intersection, then it is known that there is no curve with negative self-intersection on the ruled surface. Moreover, if the ruled surface is “sufficiently” general in its moduli, then the surface does not admit a curve with zero self-intersection. So, it is natural to ask the questions of which ruled surface admits a curve with zero self-intersection, and how many such ruled surfaces exist in the moduli. In this talk, I will introduce some answers to the questions.
[Language] Korean (English if it is requested)

2nd slot (PM 12:25~12:45)
[Speaker] Jaehyeon Seo (서재현) from Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST, supervised by Prof. Jaehoon Kim (김재훈 교수님)
[Title] How can we find a ‘rainbow’ subgraph?
[Discipline] Graph Theory
Finding a given graph in a large host graph is a very essential problem in graph theory. One main variant of this is coloring edges of a host graph with many colors and trying to find a ‘rainbow’ subgraph, whose edges have distinct colors. I will explain some history, and introduce my recent result which searches for a rainbow color-critical graph.
[Language] Korean (English if it is requested)

[Zoom link]
ID: 265 572 8482
Password: 2AHRKr

[Gather Town link]