[Notice] 32nd KMGS on April 25 (Thu), 2024

The 32nd KMGS will be held on April 25th, Thursday, at Natural Science Building (E6-1) Room 1501.
We invite a speaker Sungho Han from the Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST.
The abstract of the talk is as follows.

Slot (AM 11:50~PM 12:30)
[Speaker] 한성호 (Sungho Han) from Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST, supervised by Prof. 강문진, Moon-Jin Kang
[Title] Long-time behavior of viscous-dispersive shock for the Navier-Stokes-Korteweg equations
[Discipline] Analysis
We consider the Naiver-Stokes-Korteweg(NSK) equations for the dynamics of compressible barotropic viscous fluids with internal capillarity. We handle the time-asymptotic stability in 1D of the viscous-dispersive shock wave that is a traveling wave solution to NSK as a viscous-dispersive counterpart of a Riemann shock. More precisely, we prove that when the prescribed far-field states of NSK are connected by a single Hugoniot curve, then solutions of NSK tend to the viscous-dispersive shock wave as time goes to infinity. To obtain the convergence, we extend the theory of a-contraction with shifts, used for the Navier-Stokes equations, to the NSK system. The main difficulty in analysis for NSK is due to the third-order derivative terms of the specific volume in the momentum equation. To resolve the problem, we introduce an auxiliary variable that is equivalent to the derivative of the specific volume.
[Language] Korean but English if it is requested

[Notice] 31st KMGS on April 4 (Thu), 2024

The 31st KMGS will be held on April 4th, Thursday, at Natural Science Building (E6-1) Room 1501.
We invite a speaker Lucas MacQuarrie from the Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST.
The abstract of the talk is as follows.

Slot (AM 11:50~PM 12:30)
[Speaker] Lucas MacQuarrie from Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST, supervised by Prof. 김재경, Jaekyoung Kim
[Title] The Asymptotic Iteration Method and Hanh Difference Equations
[Discipline] Analysis (Differential and Difference Equations)
The Asymptotic Iteration Method (AIM) is a relatively unknown method for solving second order linear homogeneous ordinary differential equations analytically and numerically computing eigenvalues. With a little work, The AIM theory can be extended to difference equations and $q$-differential equations, which can be combined into a generalized operator called the Hanh operator. In this talk, I will introduce the AIM theory and its use cases as well as show how it extends to the previously mentioned operators. I will also discuss some of the theory around these operators, their use cases, and further work that can be done on AIM.
[Language] English

[Notice] 30th KMGS on March 28 (Thu), 2024

The 30th KMGS will be held on March 28th, Thursday, at Natural Science Building (E6-1) Room 1501.
We invite a speaker Dongha Lee from the Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST.
The abstract of the talk is as follows.

Slot (AM 11:50~PM 12:30)
[Speaker] 이동하 (Dongha Lee) from Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST, supervised by Prof. 박진성, Jinsung Park (KIAS) and Prof. 백형렬, Hyungryul Baik
[Title] The Renormalization of Volume and Chern-Simons Invariant for Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds
[Discipline] Differential Geometry
For hyperbolic manifolds, many interesting results support a deep relationship between hyperbolic volume and the Chern-Simons invariant. In this talk, we consider noncompact hyperbolic 3-manifolds having infinite volume. For these manifolds, there is a well-defined invariant called the renormalized volume which replaces classical volume. The talk will start from a gentle introduction to hyperbolic geometry and reach the renormalization of the Chern-Simons invariant, which has a close relationship with the renormalized hyperbolic volume.
[Language] English

[Notice] 29th KMGS on March 14 (Thu), 2024

The 29th KMGS will be held on March 14th, Thursday, at Natural Science Building (E6-1) Room 1501.
We invite a speaker Hyunwoo Lee from the Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST.
The abstract of the talk is as follows.

[Speaker] 이현우 (Hyunwoo Lee) from Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST, supervised by Prof. 김재훈, Jaehoon Kim
[Title] Towards a high-dimensional Dirac’s theorem
[Discipline] Combinatorics
Dirac’s theorem determines the sharp minimum degree threshold for graphs to contain perfect matchings and Hamiltonian cycles. There have been various attempts to generalize this theorem to hypergraphs with larger uniformity by considering hypergraph matchings and Hamiltonian cycles.
In this paper, we consider another natural generalization of the perfect matchings, Steiner triple systems. As a Steiner triple system can be viewed as a partition of pairs of vertices, it is a natural high-dimensional analogue of a perfect matching in graphs.
We prove that for sufficiently large integer $n$ with $n \equiv 1 \text{ or } 3 \pmod{6},$ any $n$-vertex $3$-uniform hypergraph $H$ with minimum codegree at least $\left(\frac{3 + \sqrt{57}}{12} + o(1) \right)n = (0.879… + o(1))n$ contains a Steiner triple system. In fact, we prove a stronger statement by considering transversal Steiner triple systems in a collection of hypergraphs.
We conjecture that the number $\frac{3 + \sqrt{57}}{12}$ can be replaced with $\frac{3}{4}$ which would provide an asymptotically tight high-dimensional generalization of Dirac’s theorem.
[Language] Korean

[Notice] 2024 Spring KMGS

We are informing you of the schedule of the KAIST Math Graduate student Seminar(KMGS) 2024 Spring. We look forward to your attention and participation!

In this seminar, 6 talks will be held on Thursday from 11:50 to 12:40 in Room 1501 on the first floor of the Natural Science Building(E6-1).

Lunch will be provided after each talk.
Please apply through the QR code on the poster.

2024 Spring KMGS Poster

[Notice] 28th KMGS on November 30 (Thu), 2023

The 28th KMGS will be held on November 30th, Thursday, at Natural Science Building (E6-1) Room 1501.
We invite a speaker Sangmin Lee from the Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST.
The abstract of the talk is as follows.

Slot (AM 11:50~PM 12:30)
[Speaker] 이상민 (Sangmin Lee) from Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST, supervised by Prof. 예종철 교수님 (Jong Chul Ye)
[Title] Data Topology and Geometry-dependent Bounds on ReLU Network Widths
[Discipline] Machine Learning
While deep neural networks (DNNs) have been widely used in numerous applications over the past few decades, their underlying theoretical mechanisms remain incompletely understood. In this presentation, we propose a geometrical and topological approach to understand how deep ReLU networks work on classification tasks. Specifically, we provide lower and upper bounds of neural network widths based on the geometrical and topological features of the given data manifold.  We also prove that irrespective of whether the mean square error (MSE) loss or binary cross entropy (BCE) loss is employed, the loss landscape has no local minimum.
[Language] Korean but English if it is requested

[Notice] 27th KMGS on November 16 (Thu), 2023

The 27th KMGS will be held on November 16th, Thursday, at Natural Science Building (E6-1) Room 1501.
We invite a speaker Sejun Park from the Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST.
The abstract of the talk is as follows.

Slot (AM 11:50~PM 12:30)
[Speaker] 박세준 (Sejun Park) from Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST, supervised by Prof. 황강욱 교수님 (Ganguk Hwang)
[Title] Provable Ensemble Distillation based Federated Learning Algorithm
[Discipline] Machine Learning
In this talk, we will primarily discuss the theoretical analysis of knowledge distillation based federated learning algorithms. Before we explore the main topics, we will introduce the basic concepts of federated learning and knowledge distillation. Subsequently, we will understand a nonparametric view of knowledge distillation based federated learning algorithms and introduce generalization analysis of these algorithms based on the theory of regularized kernel regression methods.
[Language] Korean

[Notice] 26th KMGS on November 2 (Thu), 2023

The 26th KMGS will be held on November 2nd, Thursday, at Natural Science Building (E6-1) Room 1501.
We invite a speaker Minseong Kwon from the Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST.
The abstract of the talk is as follows.

Slot (AM 11:50~PM 12:30)
[Speaker] 권민성 (Minseong Kwon) from Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST, supervised by Prof. 황준묵 교수님 (Jun-Muk Hwang)
[Title] Complex Geometry Arising from Quaternionic Kähler Manifolds
[Discipline] Complex Geometry
In this talk, I will introduce twistor theory, which connects complex geometry, Riemannian geometry, and algebraic geometry by producing a complex manifold, called the twistor space, from a quaternionic Kähler manifold. First, I will explain why quaternionic Kähler manifolds have to be studied in view of holonomy theory in Riemannian geometry, and how twistor theory enables us to use algebraic geometry in studying their geometry. Next, based on the realization of homogeneous twistor spaces as adjoint varieties, I will present a description of the compactified spaces of conics in adjoint varieties, which is motivated by twistor theory.
[Language] Korean

[Notice] 25th KMGS on October 5 (Thu), 2023

The 25th KMGS will be held on October 5th, Thursday, at Natural Science Building (E6-1) Room 1501.
We invite a speaker Yeongjong Kim from the Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST.
The abstract of the talk is as follows.

Slot (AM 11:50~PM 12:30)
[Speaker] 김영종 (Yeongjong Kim) from Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST, supervised by Prof. 백상훈 교수님 (Sanghoon Baek)
[Title] Online Learning in Markov Settings
[Discipline] Optimization
In this talk, I will explain the setting of online convex optimization and the definition of regret and constraint violation. I then will introduce various algorithms and their theoretical guarantees under various assumptions. The connection with some topics in machine learning such as stochastic gradient descent, multi-armed bandit, and reinforcement learning will also be briefly discussed.
[Language] Korean

[Notice] 24th KMGS on September 21 (Thu), 2023

The 24th KMGS will be held on September 21st, Thursday, at Natural Science Building (E6-1) Room 1501.
We invite a speaker Uihyeon Jeong from the Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST.
The abstract of the talk is as follows.

Slot (AM 11:50~PM 12:30)
[Speaker] 정의현 (Uihyeon Jeong) from Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST, supervised by Prof. 권순식 교수님 (Soonsik Kwon)
[Title] Quantized slow blow up dynamics for the energy-critical co-rotational wave maps problem
[Discipline] Analysis
In this talk, we consider the blow-up dynamics of co-rotational solutions for energy-critical wave maps with the 2-sphere target.  We briefly introduce the (2+1)-dimensional wave maps problem and its co-rotational symmetry, which reduces the full wave map to the (1+1)-dimensional semilinear wave equation. Under such symmetry, we see that this problem has a unique explicit stationary solution, so-called “harmonic map”. Then we point out some of the works of analyzing the long-term dynamics of the flow near the harmonic map.  Among them, we focus on the smooth blow-up result that corresponds to the stable regime. In particular, the case where the homotopy index is one has a distinctive nature from the other cases, which allows us to exhibit the smooth blow-up with the quantized blow-up rates corresponding to the excited regime.
[Language] Korean