[Notice]40th KMGS on November 21 (Thu), 2024

The 40th KMGS will be held on November 21, Thursday, at the Natural Science Building (E6-1) Room 3438. We invite a speaker Minseong Kwon from the Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST.
The abstract of the talk is as follows.

[Speaker] 권민성 (Minseong Kwon) from Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST, supervised by Prof. 황준묵, Jun-Muk Hwang from IBS CCG
[Title] Isotropy Irreducible Varieties and Complex Contact Geometry
[Discipline] Geometry
Isotropy irreducible spaces are first introduced by Riemannian geometers, as homogeneous real manifolds carrying a canonical invariant metric. Such spaces are classified by Manturov (1960s), Wolf (1968) and Krämer (1975), and their classification provides a number of interesting new examples, for example satisfying the Einstein condition. In this talk, I will introduce a complexified version of isotropy irreducible space, which is called isotropy irreducible variety. In the first half, I will explain geometric properties of isotropy irreducible varieties, and give several non-classical examples belonging to algebraic geometry. Next, I will present a connection between isotropy irreducible varieties and complex contact geometry, which has not been observed in the real setting.
[Language] Korean but English if it is requested

[Notice] 39th KMGS on November 7 (Thu), 2024

The 39th KMGS will be held on November 7, Thursday, at the Natural Science Building (E6-1) Room 3438.We invite a speaker Junseok Kim from the Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST.
The abstract of the talk is as follows.

[Speaker] 김준석 (Junseok Kim) from Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST, supervised by Prof. 백형렬, Hyungryul Baik
[Title] Right-angled Artin groups and their automorphism groups
[Discipline] Group Theory
[Abstract]Right-angled Artin groups are fascinating objects in geometric topology and geometric group theory. They play a central role in Ian Agol’s proof of Thurston’s virtual fibering and virtual Haken conjectures, providing numerous examples in the field of geometric group theory. In this talk, we will focus on their automorphism groups and outer automorphism groups. I will introduce these groups from a group-theoretic perspective, covering aspects such as finite generation and the standard representation. If time permits, we will also explore the relationship between Gromov-hyperbolicity and the outer automorphism groups.
[Language] Korean but English if it is requested