24.12.10: I attended NeurIPS 2024 in Vancouver.
24.11.05: I gave a talk at the UC Davis Mathematics of Data and Decisions at Davis (MADDD) seminar.
24.09.25: We have one paper accepted to NeurIPS 2024.
24.08.16: I started my sabbatical year at UC Berkeley.
24.07.04: Yejun Kim and Dongchan Shin joined our group as M.S.-Ph.D. Students.
24.05.16: I gave a talk at the KIAS
under the title ‘‘How to make the gradient descent-ascent converge to local minimax optima.’’
24.05.02: We have two papers accepted to ICML 2024.
24.04.19: I organized the ‘‘Optimization and Machine Learning’’ session at the 2024 KMS Spring Meeting.
24.04.19: Sucheol Lee, the first Ph.D. graduate from our group, received an excellent dissertation award from the Korean Mathematical Society (KMS).
24.03.04: Jimyeong Kim joined our group as a postdoc.
24.02.01: Kyungjae Lee joined our group as a M.S.-Ph.D. student.
24.01.17: We have one paper accepted to ICLR 2024.
24.01.02: We have one undergraduate student (Minhee Hong) doing individual study this winter semester.
23.08.28: Munsik Kim joined our group as a Ph.D. student.
23.07.28: I gave a talk at the KAI-X Mathematics Summer School
under the title ‘‘The power of gradient descent in machine learning.’’
23.06.26: We have one graduate student (Keyan Shi, Technische Universitat Munchen) doing KAI-X research internship this summer semester.
23.06.21: We have one paper accepted to COLT (Open problems track) 2023.
23.06.19: We have two undergraduate students (Changmin Kang, Changhyun Ko) doing individual study this summer semester.
23.05.31: I gave a talk at the SIAM Conference on Optimization
under the title ‘‘Fast extra gradient methods for smooth structured nonconvex-nonconcave minimax problems.’’
23.05.19: I gave a talk at the KSIAM Spring Conference
under the title ‘‘Two-timescale extragradient converges to local minimax points.’’
23.04.28: I gave a talk at the KMS Spring Meeting
under the title ‘‘Two-timescale extragradient converges to local minimax points.’’
23.04.24: I gave a talk at the HKUST-KAIST-NUS Joint Workshop on Applied and Computational Mathematics
under the title ‘‘Two-timescale extragradient converges to local minimax points.’’
23.04.05: I gave a talk at the KAIST BTM S&T Biz Colloquium
under the title ‘‘AI learning and optimization.’’
23.03.31: I gave a talk at the Postech IME seminar about our recent research
under the title ‘‘Gradient methods for minimax optimization.’’
23.01.13: We have two undergraduate students (Seong Bae Lim, Yujun Kim) doing individual study this winter semester.
23.01.13: I will now start posting our group's recent news here.