Course description

MAS 477: Introduction to graph theory

This course is an introduction to some of the major topics of graph theory. They include graph connectivity, matchings, planar graphs, graph coloring, and nowhere-zero flows. Basic notions and theorems covered in Discrete Mathematics (MAS275) will be assumed, but will be quickly reviewed in the first week. It is recommended to take MAS275 before taking this course, unless you are familiar with proofs using the mathematical induction.


Time   Monday - Wednesday - Friday : 10.00 - 10.50am
Room   309, Building E-11 (Creative Learning Building)
Lecturer   Andreas Holmsen
Office hours   By appointment


R. Diestel, Graph theory, 4th edition, Springer GTM.

Chapters to be covered:
  1. The basics
  2. Mathcings
  3. Connectivity
  4. Planar graphs
  5. Colorings
  6. Flows
  7. Extremal graph theory
  9. Ramsey theory for graphs
  12. Graph minors
(Certain subsections may be omitted due to time constraints)

Suggested Problems

Here is a list of suggested problems. These will be reviewed during recitation classes. The list will be updated weekly.
The recitation class will be on Tuesdays, 8.30pm in Room 4415 Building E6-1.


Here is the final exam


Midterm (40%), Final (50%), Class participation (10%)
The final grades are distributed as follows
Total score ≥ 90% ⇒ A
                  ≥ 80% ⇒ B
                  ≥ 70% ⇒ C
(Students who do not take the midterm or final exam will get an F)


Try to solve the problems in the book. Solve as many as possible, preferably all of them. The best way to master graph theory is by doing as many exercises as possible.

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