Course description

MAS 275: Discrete Mathematics

This course offers a basic introduction to discrete mathematics. This includes mathematical induction, combinatorial counting, and elementary graph theory. Combinatorial designs and the probabilistic method will also be introduced.


Time   Tuesdays and Thursdays, 14.30 - 15.45am
Room   3435, Building E6-1
Lecturer   Andreas Holmsen
Office hours   TBA


An invitation to discrete mathematics
J. Matousek and J. Nesetril, 2nd edition, Oxford Unuiv Press, 2008.

Chapters to be covered:
  1. Introduction to basic concepts
  2. Orderings
  3. Combinatorial counting
  4. Graphs: an introduction
  5. Trees
  6. Drawing graphs in the plane
  7. Double counting
  8. The number of spanning trees
  9. Finite projective planes
  10. Probability and probabilistic proofs
(Certain subsections may be omitted due to time constraints)

Suggested Problems

Here is a list of suggested problems. These will be reviewed during recitation classes. The list will be updated weekly.


QUIZ 1: Thursday March 27, 3pm

QUIZ 2: Thursday April 17, 3pm


Date: Thursday April 24

Time: 1pm - 3.45

Place: Regular lecture room (3435)

Please come to the lecture room at least 5 minutes before the exam starts.


Date: Thursday June 19

Time: 1pm - 3.45

Place: Regular lecture room (3435)

Please check the KLMS website to see the scope of the exam

Please come to the lecture room at least 5 minutes before the exam starts.


Try to solve the problems in the book. Solve as many as possible, preferably all of them. The problems in this textbook introduce new ideas and concepts. Although we will learn some basic techniques, discrete math requires creativity and intuition rather than standard methods. To truly master the material of this course requires experience, which is gained by problem solving.

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