Course description

MAS 575: Combinatorics

This course focuses on methods and results from extremal combinatorics. We will develop important methods using linear algebra, probability, and topology. These methods will be applied to obtain results in extremal set theory and Ramsey theory. Some combinatorial designs will also be covered, such as finite projective planes and Hadamard matrices.


Time   Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1.00 - 2.30pm
Room   3433, Building E6-1
Lecturer   Andreas Holmsen
Office hours   TBA


Extremal combinatorics
S. Jukna, 2nd edition, Springer, 2011.
Additional notes will be handed out in class

Parts to be covered:
  2. Extremal set theory
  3. The linear algebra method
  4. The probabilistic method
  5. Fragments of Ramsey theory
(Certain subsections may be omitted due to time constraints)

Homework and Exams


Homework problems will be assigned in class and submitted on time. Late submissions will not be accepted!
Homework solutions should be typed in LATEX (preferred) or HWP/MS-Word.

Final exam

June 18: 1.00 - 4.00pm, Room 3433 (usual lecture room)


Homeworks (40%), Final (50%), Class participation (10%)
The final grades are distributed as follows
Total score ≥ 90% ⇒ A
                  ≥ 80% ⇒ B
                  ≥ 70% ⇒ C
(Students who do not take the final exam will get an F)

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