일시: 2009. 3. 6(금), 오후 4:30
장소 : 산업경영동 3층 세미나실 (3221호)
제목: Monte Carlo methods and their applications
연사: 황치옥 박사(국가수리과학연구소)

초록: After a short introduction of classification of computational technologies, I explain what Monte Carlo methods are and what advantages they have. I give overall perspectives of parallel random number generators, which play a crucial role in Monte Carlo methods. Later, I give some examples of Monte Carlo methods. I present how to solve some of elliptic partial differential equations such as Laplace, Poisson and linearized Poisson Boltzmann equation, and how to calculate permeabilities of idealized porours media, cube capacitance and mutual capacitance.

댓글 0

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
344 Discrete Math Seminar (박근수, 서울대, 2PM) 이기복 2009.03.14 2191
343 BK21 세미나 (2009.3.16(월), 15:00~18:00) 수강생579 2009.03.11 1423
342 ASARC Intensive Lecture(Pof. John McCleary , Mar 13, 13:00) 수강생578 2009.03.06 1432
341 ASARC Intensive Lecture(Prof. John McCleary , Mar 11, 13:00) 수강생577 2009.03.06 1684
340 제6회 Face the world with mathematical mind (엄성민, 3/20(금)16시) 수강생576 2009.03.05 2360
339 ASARC 세미나(황준묵, KIAS, 15:00) 수강생575 2009.03.05 1385
338 제5회 Face the world with mathematical mind (류재준, 3.13(금)16시) file 수강생571 2009.03.05 1611
» 계산수학 세미나(황치옥 박사[국가수리과학연구소]),2009.3.6(금),16:30 신동재 2009.03.03 2184
336 확률론세미나 (Kiseop Lee [Univ. of Louisville], 2009.3.4(수)16:00) 123213 2009.03.02 1683
335 Discrete Math Seminar (박근수, 서울대, 2PM) 이기복 2009.03.14 1951
334 BK21 세미나 (2009.3.16(월), 15:00~18:00) 수강생579 2009.03.11 1586
333 ASARC Intensive Lecture(Pof. John McCleary , Mar 13, 13:00) 수강생578 2009.03.06 1557
332 ASARC Intensive Lecture(Prof. John McCleary , Mar 11, 13:00) 수강생577 2009.03.06 1586
331 제6회 Face the world with mathematical mind (엄성민, 3/20(금)16시) 수강생576 2009.03.05 1632
330 ASARC 세미나(황준묵, KIAS, 15:00) 수강생575 2009.03.05 1468
329 제5회 Face the world with mathematical mind (류재준, 3.13(금)16시) file 수강생571 2009.03.05 1623
328 계산수학 세미나(황치옥 박사[국가수리과학연구소]),2009.3.6(금),16:30 신동재 2009.03.03 2884
327 확률론세미나 (Kiseop Lee [Univ. of Louisville], 2009.3.4(수)16:00) 123213 2009.03.02 1932
326 ASARC 세미나(황준묵, KIAS, 14:00) 이기상 2009.02.27 1504
325 ASARC 세미나(Jaya Iyer, The Inst. of Math. Sci.,Chennai, 16:30) 김현석 2009.02.27 1646