ASARC 세미나(강수정, 6.16(월),14:00)

과사무실 2008.06.10 22:56 조회 수 : 1409

연사 : 강수정박사
연사 소속 : University of Alberta
초청자 : ASARC
강연 주제 : De Rham filtration and the image of Chern class map for singular varieties
장소 : 자연과학동 1409호
Abstract : When X is a smooth complete variety over C, it is well known that Chern class of a vector bundle in a rational cohomology are Hodge classes. When X is singular, the notion of Hodge class can be generalized by the mixed Hodge theory, and it is not difficult to see that Chern classes of vector bundles are again of this type. However, there are now further constraint on these classes, which was first notice by Barbieri-Viale and Srinivas for line bundles in their construction of the counter-example of the cohomology version of the Hodge conjecture for a singular variety. I would like to explain these as well as the relation with the Hodge conjecture in a singular variety. This talk will be based on joint work with Donu Arapura.  

댓글 0

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