수요 응용수학 세미나
연사 : 김홍오교수(KAIST)
제목 : "How to construct wavelets from refinable functions,
or from masks"
일시 : 2007.3.28(수), 17:00
장소 : 수리과학과 산업경영학동 3221호
요약 : First, we introduce the standard method to construct an
orthogonal wavelets from an orthogonal multiresolution analysis
(MRA). This MRA is essentially determined by a refinable
function which, in turn, is defined by a 2 periodic function
(called a mask); for example, by a trigonometric polynomial
mask. Next, we give a complete class of interpolatory orthogonal
refinable fucntions whose masks are rational trigonometric
polynomials. It is interesting that the masks come from rational
Blaschke products.
Basic backgrounds: Fourier series and transform, Blaschke