TOPOLOGY SEMINAR(7.27~29,10:00-11:30)

강완모 2005.07.25 15:21 조회 수 : 861

Topology Seminar on Regular projections of spatial graphs

July 27~29, 2005      
Rm 4416, Natural Science Building
Department of mathematics,
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology.

Speaker : Professor K. Taniyama (Waseda University)

Lecture1. 10:00~11:30 ( July 27, 2005 )
Lecture2. 10:00~11:30 ( July 28, 2005 )
Lecture3. 10:00~11:30 ( July 29, 2005 )

Abstract: We consider spatial graphs as a generalization of knots and links in the three-space. A regular projection is a regular diagram without over/under information at crossing points. From a regular projection we have several spatial graphs by adding over/under informations to the crossing points. We say that the regular projection is identifiable if all of them are mutually ambient isotopic. We study identifiable projections of spatial graphs and related topics in knot theory. 
초청자 : 진교택

댓글 0

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» TOPOLOGY SEMINAR(7.27~29,10:00-11:30) 강완모 2005.07.25 861