TOPOLOGY SEMINAR(6.29(수),10:00-16:50)

강완모 2005.06.20 13:21 조회 수 : 1445

                     TOPOLOGY SEMINAR

June 29, 2005
Rm 4416, Natural Science Building
Department of mathematics,
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology.

10:00-10:50  Speaker : Ryo Nikkuni (Kanazawa University)
                    Title : Knotted projection, identifiable projection
                             and completely distingushable projection

11:00-11:50  Speaker : Tim Cochran (Rice University)
                    Title : Noncommutative Knot Theory

11:50-1:30                    Lunch

1:30-2:20  Speaker : Ryo Nikkuni (Kanazawa University)
                Title : Knotted projection, identifiable projection
                         and completely distingushable projection

2:30-3:20  Speaker : Shelly Harvey (MIT)
                Title : Noncommutative Invariants of 3-Manifolds
                         Giving Lower Bounds for the Thurston Norm

3:20-4:00          Coffee Break(Lobby, Second Floor)

4:00-4:50  Speaker : Ser Tan (National University of Singapore)
                Title : Circle Packings on Riemann surfaces

댓글 0

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