- Teruhisa Kadokami(East China Normal University)

- October 16 2015 (Friday) / 16:00 ~ 17:00

- 자연과학동(E6-1), ROOM 4415

Let $M_{\lambda}$ be the $\lambda$-component Milnor link. For $\lambda \ge 3$, we determine completely when a finite slope surgery along $M_{\lambda}$ yields a lens space including $S^3$ and $S^1\times S^2$, where {\it finite slope surgery} implies that a surgery coefficient of every component is not $\infty$. For $\lambda =3$ (i.e.\ the Borromean rings), there are three infinite sequences of finite slope surgeries yielding lens spaces. For $\lambda \ge 4$, any finite slope surgery does not yield a lens space. We also discuss generalizations of our present results. Our main tools are Alexander polynomials and Reidemeister torsions.