글 수 11

Final report is due 12/24 (Mon.) 12:00pm. Please send the report to jioon@kaist.ac.kr

(Warning: There can be a possible penalty for sending the report later than 12:00pm..)


Suggested topics are:

1) Wiener measure / Feynman-Kac formula

2) BCS theory (Cooper pair)

3) Chandrasekhar theory

4) Band gap in semi-conductor


Topic 1) is mainly for mathematicians, 2) and 3) for physicists, and 4) for engineers. Other topics related to statistical physics or thermal physics are welcome.

조회 수 :
등록일 :
11:03:04 (*.248.27.61)
엮인글 :
게시글 주소 :
List of Articles
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
» Notice - Final report Ji Oon 2012-12-05 1161
10 Lecture note - Chapter 4 file Ji Oon 2012-12-05 1331
9 Lecture note - Chapter 3(3.8-3.10) file Ji Oon 2012-11-14 1436
8 Lecture note - Chapter 3(3.4-3.7) file Ji Oon 2012-11-05 1367
7 Notice - Midterm report Ji Oon 2012-10-31 1391
6 Lecture note - Chapter 3(3.1-3.3) file Ji Oon 2012-10-13 1356
5 Lecture Note - Chapter 2(2.8-2.9) file Ji Oon 2012-10-08 1334
4 Lecture note - Chapter 2 (2.5-2.7) file Ji Oon 2012-09-20 1343
3 Lecture note - Chapter 2 (2.1-2.4) file Ji Oon 2012-09-09 1300
2 Lecture note - Chapter 1 file Ji Oon 2012-09-03 1416
1 Syllabus file Ji Oon 2012-09-03 1440