글 수 9

I had trouble with some problems in the list of Suggest Problems,

so I am begging for clarification and enlightenment!

1) D8 part [a] page 47:

     If a system of linear equations has only 1 unknown, is that still a linear system?

     I thought the answer was FALSE because there are no examples in the textbook where there is only one unknown in the linear system.

2) 34 page 107:

    Do you show that A is invertible just by multiplying the A and A-inverse and showing that that equals to I(identity)?

    If that is the case, then I could not even get I(identity) by multiplying these two matrices; something seems to be wrong or missing.

3)Is it quite self evident that a matrix with a row of zeros is not invertible?

   Is there a way to prove it without referencing theorem 3.2.4 and 3.3.3?

These are my questions and I hope they can be answered before the quiz on Thursday, 8PM

조회 수 :
등록일 :
23:13:30 (*.76.69.45)
엮인글 :
게시글 주소 :



1) Yes. A linear equation with 1 unkwon has exactly one solution, so a linear system with 1 unknowns has no solution or exactly one solution.

Now, you may know whether the problem is T of F.


2) It has no problem! I give you some hint (or technique).

1. Definition 3.1.6 (you may think a product of some of u,v,u^T,v^T..)

2. Transpose of a 1 by 1 matrix is equal itself. (why?)

Now, you are ready to prove the problem :)


3) Yes. Let A be a n by n matrix with a row of zero.

Then for any n by n matrix B, AB has a row of zero.

(You know? (i,j)-th entry of (AB)_ij is a product of i-th row of A and j-th column of B.)

(Thus, if i-th row of A is a row of zero, then it yields that i-th row of AB is also a row of zero.) 

Remind the definition of an inverse matrix. A has no inverse.

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