dataset uswages, library(faraway) The dataset uswages is drawn as a sample fom the Current Population Survey in 1988. Fit a model with weekly wages as the response and years of education and experience as predictors. Report and give a simple interpretation to the regression coefficient for years of education. Now fit the same model but with logged weekly wages. Give an interpretation to the regression coefficient for years of education. Which interpretation is more natural? |
dataset prostate, library(faraway) The dataset prostate comes from a study on 97 men with prostate cancer who were due to recieve a raical prostatectomy. Fit a model with lpsa as the response and lcavol as the predictor. Record the residual standard error and the R2. Now add lweight, svi, lqbh, age, lcp, pgg45 and gleason to the model one at a time. For each model record the residual standard error and R2. Plot the trends in these two statistics. |