No. |
Name |
Title |
Journal Name |
Vol |
No |
Page |
1 |
Shin, SuJin |
Codes and maximal monoids |
Theoretical Computer Science |
411 |
16-18 |
1809-1817 |
2 |
Ja Kyung Koo |
Generators of function fields of the modular curves X1(5) and X1(6) |
Mathematics of Computation |
79 |
270 |
1047-1066 |
3 |
Sunghan Bae |
Artin L-functions and modular forms associated to quasi-cyclotomic fields |
Acta Arithmetica |
143 |
1 |
59-80 |
4 |
Yong Jung Kim |
Asymptotic agreement of moments and higher order asymptotics in the Burgers equation |
Journal of Differential Equations |
248 |
10 |
2417-2434 |
5 |
Mikyoung Lim |
Conductivity Interface Problems. Part I: Small Perturbations of an Interface |
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society |
362 |
5 |
2435-2449 |
6 |
Ja Kyung Koo |
Construction of class fields over imaginary quadratic fields and applications |
Quarterly Journal of Mathematics |
61 |
2 |
199-216 |
7 |
Mikyoung Lim |
Layer Potential Techniques in Spectral Analysis. Part I: Complete Asymptotic Expansions for Eigenvalues of the Laplacian in Domains with Small Inclusions |
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society |
362 |
6 |
2901-2922 |
8 |
Sung Ho Kim |
Array-based analysis of secreted glycoproteins for rapid selection of a single cell producing a glycoprotein with desired glycosylation |
Analytical Chemistry |
82 |
13 |
5830- 5837 |
9 |
Kil Hyun Kwon |
Asymmetric multi channel sampling in shift invariant spaces |
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications |
367 |
1 |
20-28 |
10 |
Mikyoung Lim |
Optimization algorithm for reconstructing interface changes of a conductivity inclusion from modal measurements |
Mathematics of Computation |
79 |
271 |
1757-1777 |
11 |
Mikyoung Lim |
Journal de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees |
94 |
3 |
322-339 |
12 |
Gang Uk Hwang |
Capacity Optimal Design of A Two-hop Relay Network |
Electronics Letters |
46 |
18 |
1295- 1297 |
13 |
Ko,Ki Hyoung |
A family of representations of braid groups on surfaces |
Pacific Journal of Mathematics |
247 |
2 |
257-282 |
14 |
Sang-il Oum |
Rank-width and tree-width of H-minor-free graphs |
European Journal of Combinatorics |
31 |
7 |
1617- 1628 |
15 |
Suh, Dong Youp |
Toric cohomological rigidity of simple convex polytopes |
Journal of the London Mathematical Society |
82 |
2 |
343-360 |
16 |
Dongsu Kim |
A combinatorial approach to the power of 2 in the number of involutions |
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A |
117 |
8 |
1082- 1094 |
17 |
Chang-Ock Lee |
A FETI-DP Formulation for the three-dimensional Stokes problem without primal pressure unknowns |
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing |
32 |
6 |
3301- 3322 |
18 |
Chang-Ock Lee |
Integration of the denoising, inpainting and local harmonic Bz algorithm for MREIT imaging of intact animals |
Physics in Medicine and Biology |
55 |
24 |
7541- 7556 |
19 |
Yong Jung Kim |
Reconstruction of Conductivity Using Dual Loop Method with One Injection Current in MREIT |
Physics in Medicine and Biology |
55 |
24 |
7523- 7539 |
20 |
Kwak Do Young |
An Analysis of a Broken $P_1$-Nonconforming Finite Element Method for Interface Problems |
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis |
48 |
6 |
2117- 2134 |
21 |
Gang Uk Hwang |
Analysis of Short Term Fairness and Its Impact on Packet Level Performance |
Performance Evaluation |
67 |
12 |
1340- 1352 |
22 |
Chang-Ock Lee |
On the selection of primal unknowns for a FETI-DP formulation of the Stokes problem in two dimensions |
Computers and Mathematics with Applications |
60 |
12 |
3047-3057 |
23 |
Kwak Do Young |
Discontinuous Bubble scheme for elliptic problems with jumps in the solution |
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering |
200 |
5-8 |
494-508 |