No. |
Name |
Title |
Journal Name | |
1 |
Sang-il Oum |
Rank-width and Well-quasi-ordering |
SIAM Journal of Discrete Mathematics |
vol.22,no.2, pp.666-682 |
2 |
Sang-il Oum |
Rank-width is less than or equal to branch-width |
Journal of Graph Theory |
vol.57,no.3, pp.239-244 |
3 |
Ja Kyung Koo |
On the elliptic curves modulo P |
Journal of Number Theory |
vol.128,no.4, pp.945-953 |
4 |
Hong Oh Kim |
Sololev exponents of Butterworth refinable functions |
Applied mathematics letters |
vol.21,no.5, pp.510-515 |
5 |
Sang-il Oum |
Finding Branch-decompositions and Rank- decompositions |
SIAM Journal on Computing |
vol.38,no.3, pp.1012-1032 |
6 |
Kim Jin-Hong |
Rigidity of periodic diffeomorphisms of homotopy K3 surfaces |
The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics |
vol.59,no.2, pp.237-256 |
7 |
Yong Jung Kim |
On the numerical solution of a driven thin film equation |
Journal of Computational physics |
vol.227,no.15, pp.7246-7263 |
8 |
Kim Jin-Hong |
On the formality and strong Lefschetz property of symplectic manifold |
Mathematical Proceedings of Cambridge Philosohpical Society |
vol.145,no.2, pp.363-377 |
9 |
Choi, U Jin |
Optimal investment, consumption and retirement choice problem with disutility and subsistence consumption constraints |
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications |
vol.345,no.1, pp.109-122 |
10 |
Gang Uk Hwang |
Performance Analysis of M-QAM Scheme Combined with Multiuser Diversity over Nakagami-m Fading Channels |
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology |
vol.57,no.5, pp.3251-3257 |
11 |
Hong Oh Kim |
Internal structure of the multiresolution analyses defined by the Unitary Extension Principle |
Journal of approximation theory |
vol.154,no.2, pp.140-160 |
12 |
Kil Hyun Kwon |
Vector sampling expansion in Riesz basis setting and its aliasing error |
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis |
vol.25,no.3, pp.315-334 |
13 |
Chang-Ock Lee |
Local Harmonic Bz Algorithm with Domain Decomposition in MREIT: Computer Simulation Study |
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging |
vol.27,no.12, pp.1754-1761 |
14 |
Gang Uk Hwang |
An Efficient Power Saving Mechanism for Delay-guaranteed Services in IEEE 802.16e |
IEICE Transactions on Communications |
E92-B,no.1, pp.277-287 |
15 |
Gang Uk Hwang |
Enhanced Markov Chain Model and Throughput Analysis of the Slotted CSMA/CA for IEEE 802.15.4 under Unsaturated Traffic Conditions |
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology |
vol.58,no.1, pp.473-478 |
16 |
Sang Geun Hahn |
On the weight and nonlinearity of homogeneous rotation symmetric Boolean functions of degree 2 |
Discrete Applied Mathematics |
vol.157,no.2, pp.428-432 |
17 |
Gang Uk Hwang |
Threshold-Based Opportunistic Scheduling for Ergodic Rate Guarantees in Wireless Networks |
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications |
vol.8,no.1, pp.84-89 |
18 |
Sunghan Bae |
Cyclotomic units in function fields |
Proceedings of the American mathematical society |
vol.137,no.2, pp.401-408 |
19 |
Yong Jung Kim |
Higher order approximations in the heat equation and the truncated moment problem |
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis |
vol.40,no.6, pp.2241-2261 |