
Fluctuations of the free energy of the spherical Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model with heavy-tailed interaction (with T. Kim)
    Preprint - arXiv:2402.14295

Spectral properties and weak detection in stochastic block models (with Y. Han and W. Yang)
    Preprint - arXiv:2309.08183

Fluctuations of the free energy of the spherical Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model with sparse interaction (with H. Kim)
    Preprint - arXiv:2305.11384

Central limit theorem for eigenvalue statistics of sample covariance matrix with random population (with Y. Li)
    Preprint - arXiv:2211.05546

Asymptotic normality of log likelihood ratio and fundamental limit of the weak detection for spiked Wigner matrices (with H. W. Chung and J. Lee)
    Preprint - arXiv:2203.00821

Weak detection in the spiked Wigner model with general rank (with J. H. Jung and H. W. Chung)
    To appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (preprint)

Phase transition in the generalized stochastic block model (with S. Lee)
    Journal of Applied Probability, 61, 385-400 (2024) (preprint)

Real eigenvalues of elliptic random matrices (with S.-S. Byun, N.-G. Kang, and J. Lee)
    International Mathematics Research Notices, 2023(3), 2243-2280 (2023) (preprint)

Spherical Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model for deformed Wigner matrix with fast decaying edges (with Y. Li)
    Journal of Statistical Physics, 190, 35 (2023) (preprint)

Weak detection in the spiked Wigner model (with H. W. Chung)
    IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 68, 7427-7453 (2022) (preprint)

Extremal eigenvalues of sample covariance matrices with general population (with J. Kwak and J. Park)
    Bernoulli, 27, 2740-2765 (2021) (preprint)

Detection of signal in the spiked rectangular models (with J. H. Jung and H. W. Chung)
    Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 139: ICML, 5158-5167 (2021) (preprint)

Free energy of bipartite spherical Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model (with J. Baik)
    Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré - Probabilités et Statistiques, 56, 2897-2934 (2020) (preprint)

Central limit theorem for linear spectral statistics of deformed Wigner matrices (with H. C. Ji)
    Random Matrices: Theory and Applications, 9, 2050011 (2020) (preprint)

Local law and Tracy-Widom limit for sparse stochastic block models (with J. Y. Hwang and W. Yang)
    Bernoulli, 26, 2400-2435 (2020) (preprint)

Local law and Tracy-Widom limit for sparse sample covariance matrices (with J. Y. Hwang and K. Schnelli)
    Annals of Applied Probability, 29, 3006-3036 (2019) (preprint)

Weak detection of signal in the spiked Wigner model (with H. W. Chung)
    Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 97: ICML, 1233-1241 (2019) (preprint)

Ferromagnetic to paramagnetic transition in spherical spin glass (with J. Baik and H. Wu)
    Journal of Statistical Physics, 173, 1484-1522 (2018) (preprint)

Trade-offs between query difficulty and sample complexity in crowdsourced data acquisition (with H. W. Chung, D. Kim, and A. O. Hero)
    Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, 639-646 (2018) (preprint)

Fundamental limits on data acquisition: Trade-offs between sample complexity and query diffiulty (with H. W. Chung and A. O. Hero)
    IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 681-685 (2018) (preprint)

Local law and Tracy-Widom limit for sparse random matrices (with K. Schnelli)
    Probability Theory and Related Fields, 171, 543-616 (2018) (preprint)

Rate of convergence towards Hartree dynamics with singular interaction potential (with L. Chen and J. Lee)
    Journal of Mathematical Physics, 59, 031902 (2018) (preprint)

Fluctuations of the free energy of the spherical Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model with ferromagnetic interaction (with J. Baik)
    Annales Henri Poincaré, 18, 1867-1917 (2017) (preprint)

Tracy-Widom distribution for the largest eigenvalue of real sample covariance matrices with general population (with K. Schnelli)
    Annals of Applied Probability, 26, 3786-3839 (2016) (preprint)

Fluctuations of the free energy of the spherical Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model (with J. Baik)
    Journal of Statistical Physics, 165, 185-224 (2016) (preprint)

Bulk universality for deformed Wigner matrices (with K. Schnelli, B. Stetler, and H.-T. Yau)
    Annals of Probability, 44, 2349-2425 (2016) (preprint)

Extremal eigenvalues and eigenvectors of deformed Wigner matrices (with K. Schnelli)
    Probability Theory and Related Fields, 164, 165-241 (2016) (preprint)

Edge universality for deformed Wigner matrices (with K. Schnelli)
    Reviews in Mathematical Physics, 27, 1550018 (2015) (preprint)

A necessary and sufficient condition for edge universality of Wigner matrices (with J. Yin)
    Duke Mathematical Journal, 163, 117-173 (2014) (preprint)

Measuring Large Optical Transmission Matrices of Disordered Media (with H. Yu, T. R. Hillman, W. Choi, M. S. Feld, R. R. Dasari, Y. Park)
    Physical Review Letters, 111, 153902 (2013)

Local deformed semicircle law and complete delocalization for Wigner matrices with random potential (with K. Schnelli)
    Journal of Mathematical Physics, 54, 103504 (2013) (preprint)

Rate of convergence towards semi-relativistic Hartree dynamics
    Annales Henri Poincaré, 14, 313-346 (2013) (preprint)

Rate of convergence towards Hartree dynamics (with L. Chen and B. Schlein)
    Journal of Statistical Physics, 144, 872-903 (2011) (preprint)

Rate of convergence in nonlinear Hartree dynamics with factorized initial data (with L. Chen)
    Journal of Mathematical Physics, 52, 052108 (2011) (preprint)

A lower bound on the ground state energy of dilute Bose gas (with J. Yin)
    Journal of Mathematical Physics, 51, 053302 (2010) (preprint)

Ground state energy of dilute Bose gas in small negative potential Case
    Journal of Statistical Physics, 134, 1-18 (2009) (preprint)