ASARC Regular Seminar
Spring and Summer 2010

We generally meet at Room 1409, Natural Sciences (E6-1) from 4:30PM to 5:30PM, Tuesdays, unless specified otherwise. Beginning Fall 2009, we plan to have seminars every week, if possible. If you would like to recommend speakers, please contact Jinhyun Park at (remove ZZ).

  1. On February 8th, 2010, at E6-1 Room 3433 from 16:30-17:30, Masanori Morishita from Kyushu University gives his colloquium talk on
    Knots and Primes - Hyperbolic Geometry and Galois deformation.
    Here is the abstract:
    No abstract provided.

  2. On February 9th, 2010, from 15:00-16:00, Masanori Morishita from Kyushu University will give his first seminar talk on
    Knots and Primes.

  3. On February 9th, 2010, from 16:30-17:30, Masanori Morishita from Kyushu University will give his second seminar talk on
    Knots and Primes.

  4. On February 10th, 2010, from 11:00-12:00, Masanori Morishita from Kyushu University will give his final (third) seminar talk on
    Knots and Primes.

  5. (This is supported by BK21.) On February 22nd, 2010, at E6-1 Room 2412, from 15:00-16:00, Shun-ichi Kimura from Hiroshima University will give his first talk on motives entitled
    Introduction to finite dimensionality of motives.

  6. (This is supported by BK21.) On February 22nd, 2010, at E6-1 Room 2412, from 16:30-17:30, Shun-ichi Kimura from Hiroshima University will give his second talk on motives entitled
    Rationality and irrationality of motivic zeta.

  7. (This is supported by BK21.) On February 23rd, 2010, at E6-1 Room 2412, from 16:30-17:30, Shun-ichi Kimura from Hiroshima University will give his final (third) talk on motives entitled
    Towards the rationality of motivic Chow series.
  8. On March 2nd, 2010, No Seminar.

  9. On March 9th, 2010, Dan Zaffran from KAIST will give his talk on
    Examples of (non) Stein domains and manifolds.
    Here is the abstract:
    I will give an introduction to Stein complex manifolds. I will describe basic examples and non examples for domains in complex Euclidean space. Trickier examples arise from the interplay with isolated singularities of surfaces, an interesting topic in its own. I will assume familiarity with smooth manifolds, and interest in the field of several complex variables.

  10. On March 16th, 2010, No Seminar due to faculty meeting on Fall 2010 courses.

  11. On March 23rd, 2010, No seminar. Midterm exam week.

  12. On March 30th, 2010, at E6-1 Room 2412, DongSeon Hwang from KIAS will give his talk on
    Rational homology projective planes and related problems.
    Here is the abstract:
    Rational homology projective planes are normal projective surfaces having same Betti numbers with the complex projective plane. The first half of the talk will be devoted to the introduction to the topic: examples, relations with other classification problems. For the remaining part of the talk, I will present the recent results on the algebraic Montgomery-Yang problem.

  13. On April 6th, 2010, Hwayoung Lee from KIAS will give her talk on
    Full flag Hilbert scheme of points on the family of nodal curves.
    Here is the abstract:
    We study the relative full-flag Hilbert scheme of points on the family of curves, parameterizing chains of subschemes, containing a node. We will prove that the relative full flag Hilbert scheme is normal with locally complete intersection singularities.

  14. On April 13th, 2010, Junmyeong Jang from KIAS will give his talk on
    The height of a Kummer surface of special type.
    Here is the abstract:
    n this tlak, we will see the height of a Kummer surface of special type is determined by the associated abelian surface using the Frobenius diagram of the Kummer fibration.

  15. On April 19th, 2010, Monday, Namhoon Lee from Hongik University will give his talk on
    Some construction of Calabi-Yau 3-folds and G_2 manifolds.
    Here is the abstract:
    Using a pair of 3-folds (typically blow-ups of Fano 3-folds), one can at once construct a Calabi-Yau 3-fold and a G_2 manifold, which are very different mathematical objects. We will decribe the methods and discuss some examples.

  16. On April 27th, 2010, No seminar.

  17. On May 4th, 2010, Dongsoo Shin from Chungnam National University will give his talk on
    Infinitesimal deformations of complements of plumbings.
    Here is the abstract:
    We shall construct infinitesimal deformations of a complex surface with boundary, which is the complement of a tubular neighborhood of a special linear chain of smooth rational curves. We show that the deformation induces a non-trivial deformation of the complex structure on some divisor on Y.

  18. On May 11th, 2010, Justin Sawon from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill will give his talk on
    Holomorphic Lagrangian fibrations.
    Here is the abstract:
    The only possible fibration on a K3 surface is an elliptic fibration, with base P^1. Lagrangian fibrations on holomorphic symplectic manifolds are higher-dimensional generalizations of elliptic K3 surfaces. In this talk I will describe some results about Lagrangian fibrations concerning their bases, discriminant loci, singular fibres, and classifying maps.

  19. On May 18th, 2010, No seminar. Final exam week.

  20. On May 25th, 2010, at E6-1 Room 2412, Hyunho Lee from Seoul National University will give his talk on
    Non-commutative topology and geometry: a geometry-algebra correspondence.
    Here is the abstract:
    Many interesting works on topological algebras are best understood in view of algebraic topology or diffrential geometry. Since Gelfand-Naimark's celebrated characterization of commutative $C\sp*$-algebras as a dual of locally compact Hausdorff space, the category of non-commutative $C\sp*$-algebras has been regarded as "non-commutative locally compact Hausdorff spaces". In this talk, he will introduce so called non-commutative (algebraic) topology and (differential) geometry relying on his own appreciations of the subjects.

Past/Future seminars : [Spr/Sum 2009][Aut/Win 2009][Aut/Win 2010]