ASARC Regular Seminar
Fall and Winter 2010
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We generally meet at Room 1409, Natural Sciences (E6-1) from 4:30PM to 5:30PM, Tuesdays, unless specified otherwise. Beginning Fall 2009, we plan to have seminars every week, if possible. If you would like to recommend speakers, please contact Jinhyun Park at (remove ZZ).
- On August 31st, 2010, Masanori Asakura from Hokkaido University gives his talk entitled
Recent progress on algebraic cycles. Here is the abstract:
It is an important conjecture that the Chow group of a smooth projective variety over a number field is a finitely generated Z-module, and no one knows how to solve it so far. On the other hand people considered two modified questions which are more accessible. One is whether the Chow group modulo n is finite or not, and the other is whether the torsion part is finite or not.
In this talk I survey recent progress about these two questions made by Shuji Saito, Kanetomo Sato and the speaker.
- On September 9th, 2010, Thursday at E6-1 Room 1501, Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène from CNRS and University of Paris Sud -Orsay gives his colloquium lecture entitled
Brauer-Manin obstruction and integral points. Here is the abstract:
Manin showed how the Brauer group of schemes together with class field theory(reciprocity laws) accounts for many counterexamples to the Hasse principle(local-global principle) and to weak approximation for rational points of projective varieties. Only recently did one start to investigate an analogous approach for integral points of affine varieties. Here the relevant approximation property is strong approximation,a generalization of the chinese remainder theorem. I shall recall what is known or conjectured for rational points.
I will then go on to describe what has been achieved for integral points : unconditional results for many classes of homogeneous spaces of linear algebraic groups, with a connexion to the classical study of integral quadratic forms(F. Xu and the speaker, D. Harari, M. Borovoi, C. Demarche) ; computations and conjectures for curves (D. Harari and F. Voloch) ; computations for certain cubic surfaces (O. Wittenberg and the speaker).
I will in particular discuss the classical problem of representation of an integer as sum of three cubes of integers.
- On September 14th, 2010, No seminar. (Organizer's family reason.)
- The week of September 21st, 2010. No seminar: National Holiday.
- On September 30, 2010, No seminar.
- On October 5th, 2010, Thomas Geisser, from the University of Southern California and Nagoya University gives his talk entitled
Finite generation questions for motivic cohomology.
- On October 7th, 2010, Thursday at E6-1 Room 1501, Thomas Geisser from the University of Southern California and Nagoya University gives his colloquium lecture entitled
Weil-étale cohomology and special values of zeta-functions. Here is the abstract:
The zeta-function of a variety defined over the integers encoded the number of solutions with coefficients in all finite fields. Surprisingly, the value of this zeta function is related to other interesting invariants of the variety. A good example is the analytic class number formula, which related the value of the Dedekind zeta-function of a number field to the class number and other invariants. We will discuss generalizations of this to varieties over finite fields.
- On October 12th, 2010, TBA.
- On October 19th, 2010, TBA.
- On October 26th, 2010, Pak Tung Ho from Sogan University gives his talk entitled
Results on geometric flow. Here is the abstract:
I will talk about several results on geometric flow. In particular, I will talk about prescribed (Gaussian) curvature flow, CR Yamabe flow, and Q-curvature flow.
- On November 2nd, 2010, TBA.
- On November 9th, 2010, TBA.
- On November 16th, 2010, TBA.
- On November 23rd, 2010, TBA.
- On November 30th, 2010, TBA.
- On December 7th, 2010, TBA.
- On December 14th, 2010, TBA.
- On December 21st, 2010, TBA.
Past/Future seminars : [Spr/Sum 2009][Aut/Win 2009][Spr/Sum 2010][Spr/Sum 2011]