Geometric Structures and Character Varieties

December 28 ~ 30, 2015, Jeju National University

Main       Schedule and Abstracts       Travel       Registration

Getting Jeju National University From Jeju International Airport

  1. Get out from the Airport terminal. There is a bus station just in front of the terminal exit.
  2. Take a Bus No.500 (bound for Jeju nat'l university). It costs 1,150KRW. Prepare coins in advance; driver may not be able to give change.
  3. Get off at the Jeju national university station. It takes about 35 min. You can find the main gate. (See campus map below)

See also: Maps and directions page of Jeju nat'l university web.


We are not able to provide accommodation except for speakers. Please make your own reservation at a nearby hotel. may be helpful.

Campus Map