
Submitted Papers/In Preparation

  • S. Lee and D. Kim,
    Semi-anchored multi-step gradient descent ascent method for structured nonconvex-nonconcave composite minimax problems.
    [arXiv version]

Journal/Conference Papers

  • K. Kim and D. Kim,
    Double-step alternating extragradient with increasing timescale separation for finding local minimax points: provable improvements,
    International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2024.

  • A. Alacaoglu, D. Kim and S. J. Wright,
    Extending the reach of first-order algorithms for nonconvex min-max problems with cohypomonoticity,
    International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2024. [arXiv version]

Technical reports

  • D. Kim and J. A. Fessler,
    Fast dual proximal gradient algorithms with rate \(O(1/k^{1.5})\) for convex minimization.
    [arXiv version]