Course description

MAS 478: Discrete Geometry

This course is an introduction to discrete geometry. We will cover basic results from packing and covering, convex polytopes, intersection patterns of convex sets, and combintorial geometry. Our goal is to reach some key results in the field by combining methods from linear algebra, topology, and probability. However, since this is an introduction course, all necessary notions will be introduced. The main prerequisite for this course is a basic understanding of elementary combinatorics, discrete mathematics, and the n-dimensional Euclidean space.


Time   Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10.30 - 11.45am
Room   3433, Building E6-1
Lecturer   Andreas Holmsen
Office hours   TBA

Suggested reading material

We will not follow a specific book. Lecture notes will be made available on this page.
Useful references:

Lectures on Discrete Geometry
J. Matousek, Springer GTM 212, 2002.

Combinatorial Geometry
J. Pach, P. K. Agarwal, Wiley - Interscience series, 1995.

Using the Borsuk-Ulam Theorem
J. Matousek, Springer Universitext, 2nd edition, 2007.


Date: Thursday June 19

Time: 9am - 11.45

Place: Regular lecture room (3435)

Please check the KLMS website to see the scope of the exam

Suggested Problems

Here is a list of suggested problems. These will be reviewed during recitation classes. The list will be updated weekly.

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