International Conference

(10) Topology of low dimensional CP towers: International Conference, Toric Topology and Automorphic Functions, Pacific National University (Khabarovsk in Russia), September 5th--10th, 2011. (invited)

(9) GKM graphs induced by GKM manifolds with SU(l+1)-symmetries: Group Actions in Topology and Analysis - 4th GAF Conference, Milan 2010, University of Milano-Bicocca (Milan in Italy), September 16th, 2010. (slides)

(8) On cohomological rigidity of toric hyperKahler manifolds: International Congress of Mathematicians (Hyderabad in India), August 22nd, 2010. (short communication) (slides)

(7) On the cohomological rigidity of toric hyperKahler manifolds: GEOMETRY, TOPOLOGY, ALGEBRA, and APPLICATIONS dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Boris Delone, Steklov Mathematical Institute (Moscow in Russia), August 16th, 2010. (invited) (slides)

(6) On projective bundles over small covers: BRATISLAVA TOPOLOGY SYMPOSIUM "Group Actions and Homogeneous Spaces"., Comenius University (Bratislava in Slovakia), September 8th, 2009. (invited) (slides)

(5) Classification of codimension 1 extended G-actions on torus manioflds: New Horizons in Toric Topology., University of Manchester (Manchester in United Kingdom), July 7th to 11th, 2008. (poster talk) (poster)

(4) GKM-graphs and its equivariant cohomology: Groups in Geometry and Topology, GGT Malaga 06., University of Malaga (Malaga in Spain), September 6th, 2006.

(3) Hypertorus graph and its equivariant cohomology: International conference on Toric Topology., Osaka City University (Osaka in Japan), May 29th, 2006.

(2) On the action of SL(3,R) on S^{4}: International Conference: Geometric topology, discrete geometry and set theory., Moscow State University (Moscow in Russia), August 24th, 2004.

(1) SL(m,H)\times SL(n,H)-action on S^{4(m+n)-1}: 3rd Poznan Workshop on Transformation Groups., Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznan in Poland), August 12th, 2003.

Seminar (more than two days), Conference and Workshop

(21) On group actions with codimension one orbits: The 57th Topology Symposium, Santa Hall (Okayama in Japan), August 12th, 2010. (invited) (slides)

(20) Towards a definition of root systems of GKM graphs: Workshop on Toric Topology and Related Topics, Fudan University (Shanghai in China), May 3rd, 2010. (invited)

(19) Equivariant cohomological and cohomological rigidity of toric hyperKahler manifolds: Ikuta Seminar on Symplectic Geometry and Toric Topology, Meiji University (Ikuta in Japan), March 6th, 2010. (invited)

(18) Equivariant cohomological and cohomological rigidity of toric hyperKahler manifolds: The 8th KAIST Geometric Topology Fair, KAIST (Daejeon in Korea), January 12th, 2010. (slides)

(17) On projective bundles over small covers: The 36th symposium on Transformation group theory, Osaka City University (Osaka in Japan), December 10th, 2009. (slides)

(16) Equivariant cohomology determines hypertoric manifold (Revised): Toric Topology Seminar in Osaka 2009, Osaka City University (Osaka in Japan), December 7th, 2009.

(15) Equivariant cohomology determines hypertoric manifold: New Evolution of Transformation Group Theory, RIMS (Kyoto in Japan), August 19th, 2009.

(14) Introduction to GKM theory: 2009 ASARC Workshop, Muju Resort (Muju in Korea), June 6th, 2009. (I gave two talks)

(13) Topological types of some torus manifolds: KMS 2009 Spring Conference, Ajou University (Suwon in Korea), April 25th, 2009. (slides)

(12) Remarks on McGavran's paper and Nishimura's results, Toric Topology Workshop, KAIST 2008, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (Daejeon in Korea), June 10th, 2008.

(11) Classification of compact group actions on torus manifolds which have codimension 0 or 1 orbits: Osaka City University Summer School on Symplectic Geometry and Toric Topology, Osaka City University (Osaka in Japan), July 23rd, 2007.

(10) On 8-dimensional manifolds with SU(3)-actions: The theory of transformation groups and its applications, RIMS (Kyoto in Japan), May 30th, 2007.

(9) Classification of compact group actions on torus manifolds which have codimension 0 or 1 orbits: The 3rd COE Conference for Young Researchers, Hokkaido University (Hokkaido in Japan), February 15th, 2007.

(8) On transformation groups of torus manifolds: Singularity theory and O-minimal category, RIMS (Kyoto in Japan), November 28th, 2006.

(7) On transformation groups of torus manifolds: The 33rd symposium on Transformation group theory, Kanagawa prefectural administration center (Yokohama in Japan), November 22nd, 2006.

(6) Hypertorus graph and its equivariant cohomology: Methods of Transformation Group Theory, RIMS (Kyoto in Japan), May 24th, 2006.

(5) Hypertorus graph and its graph cohomology: Japanese Mathematical Society 2005 Autumn meeting, Okayama University (Okayama in Japan), September 20th, 2005.

(4) Classification of compact transformation groups on complex quadric with codimension one orbits: The 2nd Kinosaki Freshman seminar, Kinosaki Welfare Hall (Kinosaki in Japan), February 22nd, 2005.

(3) Classification of compact transformation groups on complex quadric with codimension one orbits: The 31st Symposium on Transformation group theory, Tokyo University of Science (Tokyo in Japan), November 17th, 2004.

(2) On the action of SL(3,R) on S^{4}: Transformation group and surgery, RIMS (Kyoto in Japan), May 24th, 2004.

(1) Classification of compact transformation groups on complex quadric with codimension one orbits: Topological Transformation Groups and Related Topics, RIMS (Kyoto in Japan), May 19th, 2003.

One day seminar, Colloquium and so on

(15) On cohomological rigidity problems of CP-towers: BK21 seminar of Ajou Univ, Ajou University (Suwon in Korea), August 24th 2011.

(14) On 6-dimensional GKM CP-towers: Informal seminar after Toric geomety, Toric topology and Combinatorics, Osaka City University, December 4th 2010.

(13) On cohomological rigidity of toric hyperKahler manifolds: Topology Seminor in SNU, Seoul National University (Seoul in Korea), May 11th, 2010. (invited)

(12) Equivariant cohomology determines hypertoric manifold: ASARC Regular Seminar, KAIST (Daejeon in Korea), October 13th, 2009. (invited)

(11) On extended G-actions of torus manifolds: The 31st PNU-PMI Algebraic Combinatorics Seminar, POSTECH (Pohan in Korea), June 10th, 2009. (invited)

(10) On projective bundles over 2-dimensional small covers: informal seminar, Osaka City University (Osaka in Japan), March 25th, 2009. (invited)

(9) Research on toric topology: Post-doctor final report, Fudan University (Shanghai in China), March 8th, 2009.

(8) Research of toric topology: Post-doctor starting report, Fudan University (Shanghai in China), January 6th, 2008.

(7) On graph equivariant cohomology: Osaka University Transformation group seminar, Osaka University (Osaka in Japan), June 30th, 2007. (invited)

(6) Classification of compact group actions on torus manifolds which have codimension 0 or 1 orbits: colloquium talk, Fudan University (Shanghai in China), March 9th, 2007. (invited)

(5) GKM graph and equivariant cohomology of graph: Differential topology seminar, Kyoto University (Kyoto in Japan), June 20th, 2006. (invited)

(4) Classification of compact transformation groups with codimension one orbits: Informal seminar after Toric Topology, Osaka City University (Osaka in Japan), June 6th, 2006. (invited)

(3) Classification of Transformation Groups: 2005 Thesis Defence, Osaka City University (Osaka in Japan), January 24th, 2006.

(2) Hypertorus graph and its graph cohomology: Osaka University Transformation Group Seminar, Osaka University (Osaka in Japan), October 15th, 2005. (invited)

(1) SL(m,H)\times SL(n,H)-action on S^{4(m+n)-1}: Osaka University Transformation Group Seminar, Osaka University (Osaka in Japan), June, 2003. (invited)