The Theory of Transformation Groups and its Applications
Monday 28 May - Friday 1 June, 2007

RIMS (room number 115), Kyoto, Japan
28 May - 1 June, 2007


Last update: 26 May 2007

28 May (Monday)

13:30--14:20 Tomohiro Kawakami (Wakayama University) Strongly definable Cr G vector bundles
14:30--15:20 Yasuzo Nishimura (Setsunan University) K-theory of toric manifolds and convex polytopes
15:30--16:20 Keita Yamasaki (Osaka University) Equivariant cohomology and the Chevalley-Koszul complex
16:30--17:20 Fumihiro Ushitaki (Kyoto Sangyo University) Isovariant maps and Borsuk-Ulam type theorems

29 May (Tuesday)

10:00--10:50 Kazuhisa Shimakawa (Okayama University) Recognizing equivariant homology and cohomology theories
11:10--12:00 Kazushi Ahara (Meiji University) 4-dimensional Kleinian group with 3 generators
14:00--14:50 Ju XianMeng (Okayama University) Smith Isomorphism Question review and new result
15:10--16:00 Morimoto Masaharu (Okayama University) Construction of smooth actions on spheres for Smith equivalent representations
16:20--17:10 Masayuki Yamasaki (Okayama University of Science) Assembly in Surgery
18:00-- Reception

30 May (Wednesday)

10:00--10:50 Yasuhiro Hara (Osaka University) Fixed point theorems and Coincident point theorems
11:10--12:00 Yoshimi Shitanda (Meiji University) Borsuk-Ulam theorem for set-valued mappings
14:00--14:50 Shintaro Kuroki (OCAMI) On 8-dimensional manifolds with SU(3)-actions
15:10--16:00 Takahiko Yoshida (University of Tokyo) On local torus actions modeled on the standard representation
16:20--17:10 Hajime Fujita (University of Tokyo) A combinatorial realization of the Heisenberg action on the space of the conformal blocks

31 May (Thursday)

10:00--10:50 Tatsuhiko Yagasaki (Kyoto Institute of Technology) Spaces of measure-preserving embeddings and Bundle theorem in 2-manifolds
11:10--12:00 Kohhei Yamaguchi (University of Electro-Communications) The homotopy of spaces of algebraic maps and related topics
14:00--14:50 Kojun Abe (Shinshu University) On the structure of equivariant Lipschitz homeomorphisms of G-manifolds with codimension one orbit
15:10--16:00 Takashi Sakai (OCAMI) On the geometry of the orbits of s-representations
16:20--17:10 Yasuhiko Kitada (Yokohama National University) Free S1 actions on homotopy spheres

1 June (Friday)

10:00--10:50 Masatsugu Nagata (RIMS) On the G-isovariance under the gap hypothesis
11:10--12:00 Toshio Sumi (Kyusyu University) Orientability of the Weak Gap Condition