Geometry from topological point of view, Algebraic and Differential topology, Transformation groups, Non-compact Lie group action and Toric topology.

Also see i AM scientist and OCAMI-researchers.


I co-organized KAIST Toric Topology Workshop 2010 from February 22nd to 26th 2010. The organizers were DongYoup Suh (KAIST), Seonjeong Park (Ph.D student in KAIST) and myself.

I co-organized Osaka City University Summer School on Symplectic Geometry and Toric Topology from July 17th to 27th 2007. The organizers were Mikiya Masuda (OCU), Takahiko Yoshida (U of Tokyo) and myself.

I co-organized The Theory of Transformation Groups and its Applications from May 28th to June 1st 2007. The organizers were Ikumitsu Nagasaki (Kyoto Prefectural U of Medicine) and myself.

I co-organized the OCU Graduate Students Colloquium from Apr. 2005 to Mar. 2006. The organizers were Toshihiro Nogi (OCU D3), Shigehisa Ishimura (OCU D2) and myself.

I co-organized the 2nd Kinosaki shinjin seminar in Feb. 2005. The organizers were Shizuo Kaji (Kyoto U D1) and so on.

I was a chief organizer of the 39th Topology Fresher's seminar in Aug. 2002. The organaizers were Yoshinori Ito (Yamagata U M2) and myself.


April 2006--March 2011 Fellowship of Fujukai Foundation

March 2006 Osaka City University Sugaku-kenkyuu-kai Paper Award.

October 2003--March 2006 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Research Fellowships for Young Scientists (DC1)