Homepage for MAS478 - Discrete Geometry - Fall 2010

September-2010 September-2010

Syllabus and course information.

We will use Part 1 from Igor Pak's book which can be downloaded here.
The notes by Keith Ball will also be useful. They can be downloaded here.
Chapter 4 of the book by Jirka Matousek can be downloaded here. pdf-file.

The course notes can be downloaded here.
(Warning: These notes are preliminary and most likely contain mistakes.)


Claim is over. If you want to know your score and final grade, please contact me by email.
You can download the final with solution here.
The final exam will be on Friday 17th of December. Rom 3433: 10.00 - 13.00
The final exam will cover everything from section 10 (crossing lemma) to section 15 (Borsuk's problem) from the lecture notes.
You can pick up your final exam and get your grade from Saturday 1pm.


Homework 1: due 11/08: here. Solution
Homework 2: due 11/26: here. Solution


Download the midterm with solutions here.
(The cover page includes average scores)

Please come see me if you have any questions.

Office Hours: M-W-F: 15.00 - 16.00.

If these times are not convenient just make an appointment by email or phone!

office: E6-1 4411

email: andreash[at]kaist.edu

tlf: (+82) 42 350 7300


Monday - Wednesday - Friday : 10.00 - 10.50. Room : E6-1 2413


About every two weeks we will have a Friday-quiz. This will be a 30 minute test to be done in class. (the quizes will count for about 30 percent of the course grade.)


Suggested problems and recitation

Problems will be suggested in class. It is important that you try to solve all suggested problems. Solutions will be covered in a recitation class. Recitation classes will be every 2nd Friday, starting September 10th