글 수 101

1. Score (Score_students.pdf)

2. Solution Ver 1.0 (MAS109_Midterm_Solution.pdf)

 -> (It will be updated)

3. Simple Statistics (Results.pdf)


* The Exam paper does not serve until the end of this semester.



2010-11-01 (Mon) 19:00~21:00

E6-1 #3435. (Building of *Department of Mathematical Science)


* All can take your paper at class time from Thursday.

If someone doesn't take it, Contact TA of each class, not your professor.


List of Articles
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공지 Final Exam Result 12/23 after Claim (Updated, 17:36) file HeadTA_Chan 2010-12-22 20383
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» Midterm Exam Results & Claim (Updated, 11/01) file HeadTA_Chan 2010-10-27 21366
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