글 수 249
1. Speaker :  Seong Jae Young (Univ. of Illinois at Chicago Circle & Ajou Univ.)
2. Date : 2009.4.16
3. Title :  Equilibrium Equity Premium, Interest Rate and the Cost of Capital in a Single-Firm Economy under Moral Hazard  


조회 수 :
등록일 :
16:55:16 (*.248.25.240)
엮인글 :
게시글 주소 :
List of Articles
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
9 2009 Spring colloquium(Paul Seymour,2009.5.21) BK사업단 2009-06-02 5390
8 2009 Spring colloquium(Kwang-Hyun Cho,2009.4.30) BK사업단 2009-05-13 6015
7 2009 Spring colloquium(Kim Mi-Young,2009. 4.23) BK사업단 2009-05-13 5141
» 2009 Spring colloquium (Seong Jae Young,2009.4.16) BK사업단 2009-05-13 5160
5 Introductory lectures on multiplier ideals IV (Hwang, Jun-Muk,2009.3.4) BK사업단 2009-05-13 5002
4 Introductory lectures on multiplier ideals III (Hwang, Jun-Muk,2009.3.4) BK사업단 2009-05-13 5415
3 Introductory lectures on multiplier ideals II(Hwang, Jun-Muk,2009.3.4) BK사업단 2009-05-13 5684
2 Introductory lectures on multiplier ideals I(Hwang, Jun-Muk,2009.3.4) BK사업단 2009-05-13 6298
1 2009 Spring colloquium(Kim, Jeong Han,2009.2.19) BK사업단 2009-05-13 6039